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The world is going through a tough time because the cycle of time is changing.

The turmoil in the world is created by superior divine forces to teach everyone a lesson in humility. No one can reverse this trend. No one would be able to change its course. No one would be able to stop it. Sane voice is always here and is telling us to stop it, but people who are in control won’t listen. Today’s situation was created by us. We are responsible for it. We have to live through it. The problem begins with the ‘Peace  of Westphalia’ treaty signed in Munster & Osnabruck on 24 October, 1648. The Treaty of Munster was a peace agreement between the Roman Catholic Emperor and France. The Treaty of Osnabruck was a peace agreement between the Roman Catholic Emperor and Sweden. Various denominations of Christianism were fighting amongst themselves to assert their control over the resources of Europe. This treaty ended the control of Catholic Roman Emperor Ferdinand III over the monarchies of France, Sweden and their allies. Catholicism, Lutheranism, Calvinism and other forms of Christianism were declared as equal. All parties of this conflict agreed to obey the treaty of ‘Peace of Augsburg’ of 1555. The French and Spaniards continued to fight until 1659 after this treaty. Before this Europe was suffering a long eighty years of war between Netherlands and Spain for the freedom of the Dutch from Catholicism. And also, a thirty year war between France and Roman Catholicism believers. The wars of religion had ravaged Europe between 1551 and 1648. These wars were ended by ‘Peace of Westphalia’ which ensured freedom of practice of various denominations of church for Europeans. It also gave rise to the concept of Westphalian Sovereignty, The people who were not converted by Protestants as well as Catholics, were severely discriminated against by the church.

Freedom of religion did not give freedom to millions of Romani people and Sami people of Europe. That’s the hypocrisy of the Peace of Westphalia on the majority of Europeans until date.

Peace of Westphalia was an experiment that served the purpose of the Church and became part of the European idea of peace. Would that work in other parts of the world? Peace of Westphalia was an internal matter of Christendom. Peace of Westphalia brought subtle peace in the European countries but this model when used on other non-Christianism lands became a disaster in itself. European scholars took this treaty as a foundation for international relations with other countries. The Europeans summarized the outcome of this treaty as – Sovereignty of Nations and non-interference in the Domestic affairs of Sovereign states. Most scholars have already debunked this theory and called it Westphalian myth. Westphalian Sovereignty was used by Europeans in many colonized regions of the world to create artificial nation states. The glaring misuse of this treaty was the creation of Canada, Australia, USA and New Zealand by the British when they put native communities into reservations with utter contempt of their religion & culture. Spain, Portugal and other European countries divided South America into multiple countries to solidify their colonial rule and then claim sovereignty on the conquered parcels. The division of the Middle-east & Greater India into small countries and then accepting their sovereignty in the United Nations. None of the indigenous communities of these regions are going to accept the artificial boundaries imposed by the foolish European colonizers. When these countries became part of the UN, all of them brought multiple wars and disturbances into international bodies.

Till the time European colonizing countries had power & will, peace was enforced through military but for how long?

Westphalian sovereignty is the foundation of all global wars because it was the European experiment for peace within Christendom. Most of the regions of the world don’t accept Christendom in any of its forms. The UN was formed to enforce Westphalian sovereignty after the de facto colonization to continue the indirect colonization through corrupt global institutions. This is the global rules based order which all European countries preach to the whole world through sanctions, wars and internal sabotages in their colonies. They act with impunity to enforce a model on others which they invented to safeguard against the dominant Church. The European Christendom dominance of UN affairs is seen in the appointment of tiny European countries at key positions within the UN. Only Christendom supporters are made the head of UN bodies who are there to preach their version of global order. This is precisely why the UN has failed to prevent wars because the UN is designed to promote European dominance over the world. The UN is promoting colonization today hiding behind the word ‘Peace. There is not a single war the UN has been able to stop because it’s European members’ interest comes first.

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An international body with a skewed European idea of peace is bad news for the world.

The solution for fixing this problem is to adopt the global principles of peace as practiced by the original native & indigenous people of the world. The world was far more peaceful before the idea of European Christianism based world order imposed on the world. All native and indigenous cultures of the world respected nature, earth and superintendency of soul. The time of ancient philosophies is back because the modern religions have created chaos in all parts of the world to promote their greed. Europeans have institutionalized greed as a predominating principle of expansionism. Africa, Asia and South America have been looted by Europeans in the name of civilization. The UN should be abolished and many regional blocks such as the African States, South American States, European States, North American States and Asian States should be recognized as equal partners. The world doesn’t need a global policeman and threat of military or sanctions to extract profits. Spirituality or Yoga must become the human seek. Until this happens, the ordinary people of Africa, Asia and South America would not see peace. All problems of immigration would be solved when artificial nation state boundaries are dissolved. Nation states came out of the Westphalian myth.

Everyone wants peace, talks about peace but won’t do anything for peace. Until drastic changes are made in the European hegemonic thinking, the world will not see peace.

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Aditya Satsangi is an American author (Non-Fiction) of several widely acclaimed books on Amazon - Search 'Sattology' on Amazon | A Spiritualist, Political Commentator and Passionate Hindu / Vedic Historian | He is also an avid Golfer. YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/sattology | Facebook: facebook.com/sattology ; facebook.com/SattologyAuthor | Telegram: https://t.me/SattologyCourse