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Every single poet or writer in #Bollywood is now composing dialogues and songs with Arabic/Farsi words such as maula, ilahi, khuda, and many other words from that culture. The original Hindu words have often been replaced by those Farsi/Arabic words. Is this a conspiracy? When did this begin? Most songs and movie dialogues coming out of Hindi film industry based out of Mumbai tell a very conflicting story which no Bollywood wallah will be able to defend. The Sanskrit word for God is Ishwar, Bhagavan, Brahm and many other names. Why is there a need to use words from Arabic or Farsi in Hindi film industry when the film is to be shown to Hindi speaking non-Muslim audience across the world? The principal word for a spiritual teacher in Hinduism is Guru, Acharya, Brahmin and for spiritual thinkers Muni, Rishi, Maharishi. Why does the Islamic equivalent of these words need to be used in a Hindi film? There is a separate Iranian and Arabic film industry. Those words need to be used in their industry. This logical separation is not seen in Hindi films.

The reason is that the Indian Islamic actors, directors and producers believe that their ancestral identity comes from Arabic and Iranian people.

As per DNA analysis, their DNA doesn’t match with Iranian or Arabic roots that they connect themselves to. A case in point is that one of the Indian Muslim actor known as Saif Ali Khan married a Hindu actress Karina Kapoor and named their son as Taimur. In any commonsensical version when this actor claims to be a history buff as per his wife, won’t keep that name. Taimur was an Islamic zealot who killed one hundred thousand Hindus in Delhi. He made a mountain of Hindu skulls. Given this actor’s history credentials as touted by his wife, he must be aware of this fact. Then why did he keep the name of his son? This leads more and more Hindus to now believe that Bollywood has been hijacked by anti Hindu forces. Another actor popularly known as Amir Khan married a Hindu wife and famously proclaimed to his Arabic masters that his kids will all be Muslims. Then there is another actor, producer known as Shahrukh Khan who claims to be of Afghanistan pathan ancestry. Is this a trend? Is this meant to humiliate Hindus around the world? Or these actors and producers who earn their livelihood from Hindu audiences but are personally ashamed to call themselves as Hindus. Do they have to give a loyalty certificate to their Arabic and Iranian masters? For most Hindus Pakistan, Afghanistan and Iran are Hindu territories because of their past six thousand years of Hindu connection.

If it was not for the British, there won’t be any Pakistan, Bangladesh, Afghanistan and even parts of Iran or Iraq.

According to Arabs and even Iranian Muslims, all Indian Muslims are mushriks and kafirs in the strictest possible terms. Hindu is the original identity of people from Pakistan, Bangladesh, Afghanistan and Iran. Only if they accept this ancestral history can they come out of the confusion of misplaced identity. While living in a Hindu country and speaking about their derived ancestry just shows that they are confused.

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Ramayana and Mahabharata is the collective heritage of all South Asians. They cannot escape this fact by showing Hindus their artificial superiority based on their misplaced identity.

Iran, Pakistan and Afghanistan are failed countries today because they are colonized by Arabic cults. Why do these actors have such a false sense of prestige and ego? This answer again lies in the history of invaders of Bharat. Most invaders of Bharat hated Hindus to the core because they fought back. They couldn’t find the reason for their ferocity of defense. So the next step an invader does is to challenge the identity. So these Islamic invaders initially identified key temples of Hindus and started building their mosques on top of them because in those times, the temples were as popular as the film industry today. Nearly forty thousand temples were razed to the ground.

By humiliating the places of worship of Hindus they tried to give a message that not even your gods can save you from us. Then they attacked the women through rapes, coercion and forced marriages.

They compelled Hindu Kings to give their daughters to them through military coercion. They sent a message that now your queens are getting married to us. Then they spread the fake stories of Genghis khan to show that his genes produce the best warriors. However the well recorded history shows that Hindu warriors never showed their backs on the battlefield while fighting with ethics or dharma. Next they wanted to control the narrative through history texts. Since they couldn’t match the literary and scientific superiority of Hindus, they burnt their libraries. The famous libraries of Nalanda and Takshashila (In Pakistan today) were essentially Hindu and Buddhist libraries. Those were burnt by terrorists to remove the identity of Hindus and Buddhists. That also was unsuccessful. Because the language and culture of Hindus lives in the heart through education. The nervousness and anxiousness of these invaders left them utterly defeated because hatred is like a dry ice, it hurts the very hand that holds it. These invaders took most prominent businessmen to Syria, Iraq, Jordan with bribes to convert them to their faith to show to other Hindus that they are superior and that’s why Hindus should abandon their faith. This also couldn’t continue for long because under their rule most businessmen became poor. Then using British help they carved out Islamic states out of Hindu lands. This has also failed because most of these countries are extremely poor now.

After India’s independence, the same people entered Indian education system to influence and further humiliate Hindus so that they convert. It didn’t work either because again the saintly people protected Hindu population. Then started the attack against Brahmins and all conspiracies of dalits with obvious British help. This also failed because Hindus now were educated of all these tactics.

Then in 1989, the pogrom against Hindus in Kashmir and also the capture of Hindi Film industry began. Kashmir which was a predominantly Hindu state was ethnically cleansed through the help of corrupt state leaders and Pakistanis. This was supposed to be their final attack against Hinduism and Hindu culture. Bollywood soon saw the massive influx of pro terror filmmakers and writers who would softly introduce these ideologies to go to the hindu masses to humiliate Hindus. Brahmins were referred to as comedians, comedy on Hindu Gods became a common phenomena, songs were written to introduce their language and fake romance stories were introduced to kill the culture of Hindus. They apparently succeeded for three decades but again their strategy was failed by the indomitable will of the Supreme. Hindus woke up and found out what is going on. Hindu names were used as a mask but again their dialogues, songs and  scripts promoted Arabic / Iranian culture. Turkey suddenly became a darling of Bollywood Wallas because they had money and willingness to spend. Along with Turkey, drugs also started to fund these nefarious plans against the Hindu identity. Well unfortunately for these people, Turkey is also about to go bankrupt. Destiny is important, but more important than that is Karma. Bad Karma results in a bad outcome. China also wanted to throw in their bit against the Hindu culture but they also failed. It seems that devatas are protecting Hindus and their Sanatana dharma culture.

These people with invading mindset found the new money in Cricket through IPL. With that also being investigated, there is virtually no hope for these cultural invaders. To protect Hinduism, the Hindi film Industry, Cricket and Drug mafias must  be controlled. The Hindu saints must be given full protection by the Indian state.

The entire history of India needs to be rewritten accurately for at least 1500 years past. This must be taught to the children. Else, the identity of Hindus is in danger. Complacency is not taught in Bhagavad Gita.

Jai Shri Ram

Disclaimer: The views are personal to the author. We neither endorse or oppose individual viewpoints

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Aditya Satsangi is an American author (Non-Fiction) of several widely acclaimed books on Amazon - Search 'Sattology' on Amazon | A Spiritualist, Political Commentator and Passionate Hindu / Vedic Historian | He is also an avid Golfer. YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/sattology | Facebook: facebook.com/sattology ; facebook.com/SattologyAuthor | Telegram: https://t.me/SattologyCourse