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First the Supreme Sound Vibration of Om appeared from the heart of Brahma, the first created being. Brahma’s heart was completely fixed on Krishna and he had attained the self-realization of fully understanding his relationship with Krishna. He had materially perfected his own existence. In his mind he stopped hearing all external sound vibration and then he could hear the transcendental original sound of the whole creation, popularly called Om ॐ.

Om is the subtle form of the sound vibration of Veda.

The whole Veda is contained in Omkar or the transcendental supreme spiritual sound vibration called ॐ . By worshipping this sound vibration, the great spiritual sages cleanse their hearts of all impurities caused by impurities of substance, activities and doer. Such is the power of chanting and meditation on Om ॐ . The chanting of Om ॐ which represents Krishna, helps a living entity to conquer death by attaining the highest spiritual destination of Vaikuntha.

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The sound vibration of Om ॐ, if properly chanted, elevates a human being to the highest stage of spiritual consciousness.

ततोऽभूत्‍त्रिवृदोंकारो योऽव्यक्तप्रभव: स्वराट् ।

यत्तल्ल‍िङ्गं भगवतो ब्रह्मण: परमात्मन: ।।

This omkara ॐ manifests independently, almost naturally, across all manifestations through it’s own potency. Even though it is not seen through material eyes, it has the manifests – three highest stages of spiritual perfection. That is realization of Brahman (all pervading aspect of Bhagavan, Krishna), Paramatma (Krishna as Paramatma in Everyone’s heart), Bhagavan (Krishna, The source of everything).

This sound vibration of Om ॐ is heard by everyone including Paramatma or Super Soul even though without Him having any material ears or any other type of senses.

This sound vibration appears from the soul and is responsible for generating all Vedic sound vibrations. It is the direct designation of Krishna, the source of all and everything. It is the seed of all Vedic Hymns and is the real spiritual essence of all Vedic mantra. Before any mantra this Om ॐ sound vibration gives it the real spiritual potency of Krishna or Vishnu.

With the invocation of Vishnu through Om ॐ sound vibration, every mantra becomes potent to attain it’s objective in any application or prayer.

This Om ॐ invocation is the essence of all Vedic sound vibrations. The Paramatma hears this sound vibration and awakens the living entity spiritually. This sound is the method of connection with Paramatma or Vishnu within everyone’s heart and also the Bhagavan Krishna in the Spiritual world.

This omkara ॐ consists of three letters of sound vibration A अ , U उ , M म. It is the source of three material manifestations, Veda (Rg, Yajur, Saam), three Guna (three modes of material nature – Sattvas, Rajas, Tamas), three goals (Bhur, Bhuvah, Svah) and also three types of consciousness (Waking, Sleeping, Deep Sleep).

ततोऽक्षरसमाम्नायमसृजद् भगवानज: ।

अन्तस्थोष्मस्वरस्पर्शह्रस्वदीर्घादिलक्षणम् ॥


From this Omkara ॐ , Brahma created all types of sounds of the alphabet – antastha (Semivowels), Ushma (Sibilants), svara (Vowels), sparsha (consonant stops), akshara (consonants), hrasva-dirgha (short & long forms) and so on.

Om ॐ is the origin of all letters and languages of the world for all types of human beings.

Brahma used this sound collection to produce four Vedas from his four faces which appeared along with Omkara ॐ .His purpose was to promote the Vedic sacrifices according to the function performed by priests of the four Vedas. Chanting of Om ॐ completes the process of every Vedic sacrifice and is always chanted before and after the Vedic sacrifice. Also, it is extensively used to accept important responsibilities from Vedic authorities.

Every type of meditation is incomplete without chanting Om ॐ with the proper method. While chanting Om ॐ , one must try their best to reach the source of this sound vibration that is Krishna. Then the perfection of a human life is achieved.


Disclaimer: The views expressed are personal to the author

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Aditya Satsangi is an American author (Non-Fiction) of several widely acclaimed books on Amazon - Search 'Sattology' on Amazon | A Spiritualist, Political Commentator and Passionate Hindu / Vedic Historian | He is also an avid Golfer. YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/sattology | Facebook: facebook.com/sattology ; facebook.com/SattologyAuthor | Telegram: https://t.me/SattologyCourse