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In the Western belief system especially coming from Abrahamic dogmas, the science is considered separate from the belief because there is no system of questioning the abrahamic dogmas. The joke around the apocalypse is that every year some or the other abrahamic faith leader announces that the world will collapse. It was predicted for 2012, 2020 and more such laughable predictions will be made. The zombie phenomena again coming from those scriptures has been well encashed by Hollywood. Therefore, the science and beliefs were kept as separate subjects in culture inspired by those abrahamic faith system. Most of the early scientists were demonized and killed by the custodians of abrahamic faiths. Galileo was not given respectful burial because he challenged the catholic church’s description of creation. Pope Urban III opposed him on grounds of suspicion of heresy. Plato and his disciple Aristotle are the de facto founders of Western Philosophy & Culture. They were opposed vehemently by the church because anyone with a scientific mind can easily destroy the dogmas mentioned in Bible.

Islamic philosophy and culture developed after the Arabic conquest of Persia which was a Zoroastrian / Hindu land.

Persians (Zoroastrians / Hindus) opposed Arabic Islam and invented their own version of Islam known as Ajam-e-Islam to keep their own scientific Zoroastrian culture. Even after Islamic Revolution most Iranians prefer to call themselves with a pre Islamic identity. Any modern scientific analysis of their belief and practices is often punished by death. Therefore, even in Islamic world, science is considered separate from the belief system. The mixture of science and belief is heresy. The maximum allowed scientific discovery is to justify the belief dogmas as propagated by their texts. Any independent scientific research on Islamic texts is considered blasphemy and often results in the death of the scholar. Therefore, naturally, science is considered as an enemy in Islam. As long as Persia was connected to Vedas, it maintained a scientific research model. Most of the Islamic science & research has come from India because of their geographical closeness and advancement of Hindu society which primarily follows vedic literature.

Nothing in Abrahamic religious texts can be scientifically tested without blind faith. 

Buddhism and Hinduism are closely related in that Buddhism came from Vedic scriptures. The concept of Dharma which itself means science or platform of truth, is the essential core foundation of Dharma coming from Vedic literature. Buddhism was already predicted in Vedic scriptures to stop nonsensical animal killing in the beginning of this age. Most great saintly people following the Vedas are also considered philosophers and/or scientists. Virtually, every single political philosophy is explained in even the most simple of all Vedic histories such as Mahabharat. When most Europe and the Middle East was in the dark ages until 1200 CE, Indian Vedic followers were documenting numerals, Astronomy and science in all different aspects of human life.

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What makes Veda or Vedic knowledge scientific and separate from Dogmas? The description of Creation, Human Anatomy, The detailed description of Soul & interconnected metaphysics, the detailed descriptions of all planets, the accurate Mathematical Astronomy models and archeological references of the whole planet makes Vedic scriptures a science in itself. Everything mentioned in Vedic scriptures can be scientifically tested. Some Islamic  and Christian scholars make fun of the respect given to cows by Hindus, but that is more of a religious hatred than scientific facts.

Hatred doesn’t make dogmas into truth. 

Vedic scriptures are free from Dogmas.

Yoga is a scientific tool to understand self, and it’s metaphysical relationships. Vedic axioms can be hypothesized and experiments need to be conducted to verify the results. Every single astronomical proclamation in Vedas has been corroborated by modern calculations. For example, Surya Siddhanta has always maintained an year to be 365 days. The third canto of Srimad Bhagavatam explains the nine stages of human embryo development in the womb of mother. The Vedic scriptures give vivid descriptions of time calculation. The medical procedures have been practiced in ancient India since time immemorial.

Even the language Sanskrit is universally recognized as a complete language and it’s writing script Devanagari is the most complete writing script. 

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Aditya Satsangi is an American author (Non-Fiction) of several widely acclaimed books on Amazon - Search 'Sattology' on Amazon | A Spiritualist, Political Commentator and Passionate Hindu / Vedic Historian | He is also an avid Golfer. YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/sattology | Facebook: facebook.com/sattology ; facebook.com/SattologyAuthor | Telegram: https://t.me/SattologyCourse