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Afghanistan, Pakistan, and Bangladesh are constitutionally Islamic countries created from India specifically for Muslims. Pakistan had 23% Hindu minority in 1947 but only 3.7% Hindus are left in 2011. Bangladesh had 22% Hindus in 1947 and only 7.8% are left in 2011.

The Islamic doctrine of removal of Kafirs or non-Muslims led to ethnic cleansing by various state agencies in those countries.

Pre -1919 cleansing of all minorities led to an Islamic only state in Afghanistan. And similar theology guided Muslims to create Islamic states of Bangladesh and Pakistan. Islamic attacks on Hindu community in Kashmir led to an exodus of 500000 Hindus out of Kashmir Valley. The demographic subversion was purposely carried out on Islamic religious grounds to claim more land for imaginary Islamic caliphate. The genocide of Hindus in Muslim majority areas of Kashmir was purposely ignored by USCIRF. The Democrats have succeeded in shaming India through fake stories and reports to the glee of Islamic terror supporters such as Rashida Tlaib and Ilhan Omar.

USCIRF reports have targeted Human Rights of Hindus in Kashmir, Pakistan, Afghanistan and Bangladesh. All those regions have seen genocide of Hindus.

The International Religious Freedom Act of 1998 (Public Law 105–292, as amended by Public Law 106–55, Public Law 106–113, Public Law 107–228, Public Law 108–332, and Public Law 108–458) was passed to promote religious freedom as a foreign policy of the United States, to promote greater religious freedom in countries which engage in or tolerate violations of religious freedom, and to advocate on behalf of individuals persecuted for their religious beliefs and activities in foreign countries. It has an ambassador at large, who reports directly to the Secretary of State of USA. As per law, the ambassador is supposed to maintain close connection with US Commission on International Religious Freedom (USCIRF).

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USCIRF’s principal responsibilities are to review the facts and circumstances of violations of religious freedom internationally and to make policy recommendations to the President, the Secretary of State, and the Congress.

This act requires the State Department to certify perpetrators of egregious religious freedom violators as Countries of Particular Concern (CPC) and to take policy actions as a particular program of US Foreign Policy programs. USCIRF’s opposition to CAB and Article 370 revocation was literally a support to Islamic terrorists.  All 57 Islamic nations fall into the purview of CPC because they have no religious freedom for non-Muslims.

On religious freedom India never falls into such grouping of CPC because of rule of law and Hindu conscience that has permeated it’s society.

Current Members of USCIRF Include:

  1. Tenzin Dorjee (Chair). Also Professor at the Department of Human Communication Studies, California State University, Fullerton.
  2. Kristina Arriaga de Bucholz (Vice Chair). Also former Executive Director of Becket Law.
  3. Gayle Manchin (Vice Chair). Also former First Lady of West Virginia from 2005 to 2010.
  4. Gary L. Bauer. Also former president of Christian conservative policy and lobbying organization – Family Research Council from 1988 to 1999.
  5. Andy Khawaja. Also CEO of e-commerce merchant services and online payment processing services provider Allied Wallet.
  6. Nadine Maenza. Also Executive Director of Rick Santorum’s conservative values PAC Patriot Voices.
  7. Johnnie Moore. Also the founder and CEO of the KAIROS Company, a public relations consultancy.
  8. Tony Perkins. Also current president of the Family Research Council.
  9. Anurima Bhargava. Founder and President of Anthem of Us.

Anurima Bhargava was appointed by Nancy Pelosi to the commission in 2018 with exclusive focus on India. What was the purpose of this appointment? This became apparent in the second congressional hearing where Commissioner Anurima Bhargava gave a testimony. Her report was completely biased against Hindus of India.

Islamic groups narrated a false narrative which was purposely arranged by USCIRF to nail India on the instance of Leftist Democrats.

Human rights of Hindus are inferior to Human Rights of Muslims was the message sent out in multiple reports of USCIRF. It is needless to say that Anurima brought disrepute to the commission. Indian External affairs ministry issued the toughest reprimand to USCIRF which indirectly went to the State department also. Ro Khanna, Ilhan Omar, Rashida Tlaib and Premala Jayapal made a mockery of US congress by their hatred towards Hindus and India. It needs to be seen what more Indian Government does to respect the mandate of Indians.

If Indian government puts a sanction on US Secretary of State for their agency’s (USCIRF) fraudulent report on India, that would be the worst for US and India relations.

As far as Indian Americans are concerned, the actions of democrats have pushed more Indian Americans towards Republicans. Anurima Bhargava and Tenzin Dorjee must be suspended immediately for spreading lies on behalf of democrats.

The religious freedom for Hindus and Buddhists  is particularly ignored by the commission.

That fact was seen in their report on Rohingya Muslims and also Kashmiri Hindus. The aggressors in both instances were named as victims. The report of US commission in both instances seems to be the reports of Islamic terrorists and their sympathizers. There is particularly no respect of human rights of Victims particularly if they are non-Muslims. The recent reports against India and Hindus has made USCIRF irrelevant because they are not aware of facts.

USCIRF has misguided US state department on multiple occasions now. This is a great opportunity to disband USCIRF to appease India and other nations who have been troubled by the falsity coming out of USCIRF.

Why USCIRF is working against Hindus and India? Because it is mandated by democrats led by Nancy Pelosi and Islamist terror influencers. Under Democrats, USCIRF protects Islamic terrorists and terror supporters. This is the commission especially used to demographically bring Hindus in Minority in India. The agenda of terrorists is reflected in the actions of USCIRF. The hatred of democrats against India and Hindus particularly is reflected in all its actions. That’s why Justice Democrats PAC members led by Ro Khanna, Premala Jayapal and Ilhan Omar attended most of the sham and deceitful hearings of USCIRF.

It’s time for Trump Administration to cleanup USCIRF if it wants to maintain good relations with a Resurgent India under Modi.

Indian Community in the US especially Hindu Americans demand that State Department does the following steps to restore the confidence.

  • Disband USCIRF to maintain trust in impartiality of US agencies.
  • Determines that the human rights of aggressors be deemed separate from the human rights of defenders. Aggressors are not the same as defenders
  • Should stop protecting religious organizations that engage in demographic subversion in target countries such as India, Myanmar and China
  • Stop Islamic influences guiding USCIRF policies
  • Appoint Hindu Priests from mainstream Hindu community
  • Removes left wing members of USCIRF
  • Removes Anurima Bhargava and Tenzin Dorjee who have worked directly against Hindus and Buddhists

If these changes are not done, State department will lose the support of Indians as well as Indian Americans. Republicans stand to gain tremendously by these misguided actions of Democrats led by Nancy Pelosi. May truth prevail.

Some examples of anti Hindu and Anti India propaganda of USCIRF to mislead the State Department and American voters. 




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