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There are approximately 26 Democrat presidential Candidates and 2 Republican Presidential Candidates. 2020 election assumes significance in that it is expected to bring ideological shifts in American domestic policies and American foreign policy.

For Americans, the divide has been between Patriotic Americans and Leftist / Socialistic Americans. 2020 Elections will be for the soul of USA, and elections will be fought more on ideological grounds than mere electoral calculations. The two ideological groups are present in both parties. Ultimately, the candidate who becomes the POTUS in 2020 will have to carefully plan balanced ideological messages. Democrats are planning their messages around Social Justice, Medicare, Economy, Racial Equality and Trump. While, Republicans are planning their messages around Trump Administration Success, Foreign Policy Success, Economic Performance, Defense and Patriotism. Any candidate in either of the two parties who comes close to a balanced messaging in each party will win the presidential nomination and may be the Presidential election.


Bernie Sanders is one of the top contenders for presidential nomination from Democrats. His key support base has been ultra left wing amongst democrats. Even amongst democrats he is viewed as an outsider because of his socialistic messaging. He is appealing mostly to academics and ultra left wing who are tied to organizations such as CAIR. His messaging so far is not resonating with the mainstream neutral Americans. Our take on him is that he should not win a Presidential nomination. Who he chooses as his running mate is more important today. His choice will reflect on whether he is a serious contender.

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With recent support to Kashmiri terrorists at a recent ISNA conference, Bernie has alienated Indian Americans, American Hindus, American Buddhists and other Christian communities who oppose Islamic terrorism.

Joe Biden is the strongest contender amongst Democrats due to his past experience as VP. He has the experience that matters and plus he has a mainstream appeal to the Americans. He is so far the best in terms of a balanced democratic candidate. His messaging is focused on his experience, reach and also being a mainstream democrat. His choice of running mate again will either expand or reduce his base.


The other democratic candidates like Tulsi Gabbard and Kamala Harris have been somewhat making news for one reason or another but they might end up as running mates for either Joe Biden or Bernie Sanders. The best combination will be Joe Biden + Tulsi and Bernie + Kamala. Let’s see what unfolds.


From Republican perspective, it’s Trump all the way. I believe that he will bag the second term because there is practically no credible democratic alternative. Also, the messaging of Democrats is convoluted and it’s almost looking secessionist. Today’s world politics has loved towards nationalism and patriotism as globalism has failed. Keeping in view the world trends, it’s highly probable that many democrats may secretly vote for Republicans this time. It’s my analysis that 2020 elections may result in GOP gaining majority in Congress as well.

It’s time for all Americans to take control over their country so that there are no pockets of secessionists anywhere in the USA.

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