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The first instance of numbers comes almost 2 million years ago in Treta Yuga, as mentioned in Valmiki Ramayana. There, the system of counting was used to calculate Yuga and other statistics reported to Maharaja Dasharath. To say that numbers were just invented now will be ignoring the history of Ramayana. Also, Sugreev informs Bhagawan Ram about the number of monkeys and other armies fighting for Him. The calculation of Brahma’s age and the reign of fourteen Manu in a day of Brahmā also depends on calculation of a large number based on available information. Without zero this calculation wouldn’t have been possible. The movement of time cannot be calculated without all the ten numerals being present.

The Middle-East and the west were literally in dark ages as compared to Bharat or India until Aryabhat came.

They were the cavemen that they usually depict in their mythological history. The whole concept of Bronze Age, Silver age nomenclature that they have imposed on the world speaks of their utterly uncivilized way of existence until they discovered the Hindu civilization. Then, out of envy they tried to destroy the vastly well documented ancient Vedic history of India as mythology.

Out of envy, Islamic invaders to India destroyed libraries in Taxila, Kabul, Nalanda and Herat.

The arabic looters took the knowledge of mathematics from India and falsely claimed to be theirs which has been exposed thoroughly. The Hindu land of Bharat stretched from Myanmar to Parsik, Kashmir to Kanyakumari with unlimited documents on astrology, astronomy and architecture. Without numbers the astrology calculation is not possible.  The Hindu Sanskrit calendaring system was also copied by Arabic looters to create their own Islamic calendar. That’s why most Hindu panchang dates coincide with specific festivals of Islamic cult. There is no coincidence after all.

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The Hindu Vedic calendar is the most accurate calculation of astrological movement known to humanity.

The brahmi numerals 0-9 have been in existence from the beginning of creation. The accurate distances of Sun, Moon and other planets from earth has been accurately well written way before any western academic or thinker ever thought. Without all the numerals it was not possible. During the Mahabharat era, almost 5200 years ago, Yudhishthira also explained the concept of calculating the strength of armies in terms of Akshauhini.

The numbering system has been well existing in ancient Vedic history from time immemorial right from the beginning of creation.

The mathematical treatises of Aryabhata and Brahmagupta merely re-presented the ancient Vedic history of mathematics and calculation in modern history of the world.

This information was widespread across the Gupta empire. Arabic nomadic tribes picked numerals from there and spread that information with Greko-Roman traders during their interaction. Copying the brahmi numerals they built up their own numbering system that almost represents the Brahmi script. The Roman numerals also look similar to brahmi and Devanagari script numerals.

During Gupta period both Devanagari and Brahmi scripts have been used. Brahmi script and Devanagari script have been pre-existing simultaneously from time immemorial.

The Persians who were Zoroastrians at that time that followed the Hindu traditions. In my earlier article, I had given very close links to Vedic scriptures. The word Persia comes from the Sanskrit name of that region as Parsik. Persians or Zoroastrians used that connection to claim many ancient Vedic knowledge bases as a common history.

Therefore, Persian history is Vedic and is pre-Islamic. Islamic or Arabic forceful annexation of Persia doesn’t give them the credit of every credit of  pre-Islamic history.

To conclude Numerals are hindu or Vedic origin. The Wikipedia narrative on history of numerals is grossly misleading. It is time for Hindus to reclaim the narrative of their ancient heritage from all invaders.

More to continue….

Disclaimer: The views are personal to the author

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Aditya Satsangi is an American author (Non-Fiction) of several widely acclaimed books on Amazon - Search 'Sattology' on Amazon | A Spiritualist, Political Commentator and Passionate Hindu / Vedic Historian | He is also an avid Golfer. YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/sattology | Facebook: facebook.com/sattology ; facebook.com/SattologyAuthor | Telegram: https://t.me/SattologyCourse