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As the year comes to an end, 2019 has been a remarkable year for Truth seekers.

In 2019, the word Sattology was coined as a true antonym of Mythology by Aditya Satsangi in his book Sattology, Debunking Mythology.

This is our first annual report from the perspective of History, Politics and Religion. 

From the Historical records correction perspective, In 2019,

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  1. Aryan Migration theory was effectively debunked by excavations in Rakhigarhi near Baghpat
  2. Article 370 and 35a removal paved way for a rule of law in the Indian state of Jammu and Kashmir
  3. UK under Boris Johnson rejected Islamophobia campaign of Muslims
  4. More Vedic evidences were found in South America, proving that the world followed Vedic culture prior to advent of Abrahamic faiths
  5. Major democracies such as India and UK, voted for nationalism to protect the Human rights of natives
  6. Nehruvian and Gandhian politics of appeasement of Muslims came to an end
  7. Historical blunder of Secularism which was imposed only on Hindus also saw an end. Hindus are demanding even Muslims and Christians to be secular now


From Politics perspective, In 2019,

  1. Muslim Victim-hood and Islamophobia campaigns were rejected by the majority of people
  2. Chinese rejected calls of independence of Uighur Muslims through a state sponsored correction of Islamic texts that promoted Islamic terrorism
  3. Political Correctness of western societies came to an end with the victory of Boris Johnson in UK
  4. USA under President Trump, recorded a victory over the partisan impeachment trial by Nancy Pelosi
  5. India and UK rejected the fake Muslim-only human rights narrative
  6. Mexico saw the emergence of a Politically Incorrect leader in Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador
  7. Russia and China forged closer military ties
  8. US renamed Asia-Pacific to Indo-Pacific
  9. Modi and Boris received overwhelming majority at elections
  10. Left wing media and their journalists got completely exposed due to onset of social media
  11. Citizenship Amendment Act 2019 of India , gives protection to persecuted minorities in Islamic countries of Pakistan, Bangladesh and Afghanistan
  12. Kashmir saw its first blood less months in 2019. Islamic terrorism sponsored by Pakistan came to an end in the Indian State of Jammu & Kashmir


From Religion perspective, in 2019

  1. Hindutva or Hinduism or Sanatana Dharma grew at an unprecedented rate in South America and Australia. Arguably, the fastest growing religion through philosophy
  2. Brazil and Hungary continues to recognize Hare Krishna as official religion
  3. Attempts by Islamic and Christian religious leaders to convert Hindus through coercion saw a marked decrease due to increase in religious awareness of native Hindu populations
  4. Africa saw a marked increase in religious violence between Christians and Muslims
  5. Myanmar stands vindicated from the Charge of persecution of Rohingya Muslims. The fake Islamic victimhood campaign in Myanmar ended after Myanmar confronted all opponents
  6. Hinduism regained as the top source of scientific information especially in the area of astronomy
  7. Islam continues its political conquest in democracies world wide especially in non-Muslim countries
  8. Christianity continued its decline in western countries and its uprise in Islamic and Asian countries
  9. Kafirphobia meaning fear of kafirs came to be recognized as the source of Islamic strategy of radicalization amongst its young Muslim population.
  10. Fake News and myth peddlers against Hindutva such as some left wing media journalists and individuals are completely challenged and exposed via social media. Fake interpretations to build a narrative have failed miserably in 2019.


2020 will see the continuation of these trends. Political correct narrative imposed by the left wing media will be challenged all over the world especially in Europe, Asia and Americas. More historical corrections will happen in India and Europe. The history imposed by Faith Based Colonizers (FBC) such as Islam and Christianity will be challenged more in times to come in Asia and South America. The status of Pakistan and China occupied territories of the Indian State of Jammu and Kashmir will be challenged in 2020. The global movements sponsored by the international group of Muslim Ummah will continue to get challenged in 2020 by the natives and nationalists.

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OVERALL, 2020 will see a marked increase in Sattology over mythology. Happy New Year 2020 and be safe !

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Sattology means a true antonym of Mythology. Our aim is to accurately present ancient history from Vedic literature. Our Political commentaries are purely educational based on Vedic scriptures for the benefit of Global Hindu community. We do not support or endorse any political candidate or Political party. YouTube: sattology | Parler: sattology | Facebook: sattology