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What kind of work to do that doesn’t bind one to the Karma cycle? This is the question that is on everyone’s mind who is really seeking a spiritual path. Most people who are caught into Abrahamism debates usually don’t ponder over these questions because they are still trying to confirm the existence of God. Most European theology is only focused on defining God as per their liking. The only culture which talks about living with God is Vedic culture. Vedas help an individual from a very basic level of consciousness to the highest level of spiritual consciousness. The evolution of consciousness is the only real evolution. Abrahamism based philosophies on the other hand focus on dogmatic acceptance of beliefs which downgrade the human consciousness to animalistic level. 

अथाग्रे ऋषय: कर्माणीहन्तेऽकर्महेतवे ।

ईहमानो हि पुरुष: प्रायोऽनीहां प्रपद्यते ॥ १४ ॥

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In the eighth canto of Srimad Bhagavatam, Shukadeva Goswami tells Maharaja Parikshit, ‘Great rishis first engage a person in fruitive activities so that he becomes attracted to the process of spiritual advancement. Once, a person starts seeing the benefit of the fruitive process then gradually he is encouraged to work without fruitive results.’ Many people think that fruitive activities or activities for material gains are not good for spiritual progress. Here, Shukadeva Goswami differs from that mindset. Material gains are a necessity to bring stability in one’s life. Without material stability, the path to spiritual progress becomes impractical. Under the influence of Abrahamism, many spiritual traditions of Hindus have fallen prey to ‘purity’ syndrome. A bigger tilak, ideal bindis and clothes etc etc. The essence of Sanatana Dharma which is popularly known as Hindu culture is ‘karma’. Karma of the mind, body and intelligence. The Hindu culture is the most pragmatic and spiritual of all cultures of the world. Even besides the fact that it is the most well documented culture of the world, the entire Vedas is summarized in 700 verses of Bhagavad Gita.

Hindus don’t have to prove anything to the world. It is for the world to accept the reality and accept Hindu culture for their own purity and spiritual growth. 

In the above shloka, Shukadeva Goswami brings the practical aspect of Sanatana Dharma to the world. This is also repeated by Patanjali who is a Vedic rishi. The essence of that verse is, ‘Worship Devatas and Devis for material benefit, until you realize that material benefits end with the body.’ Then, the pursuit of soul begins through Yoga. The ignorant west has been busy creating conspiracies against the world’s oldest culture out of sheer ineptitude. The theology of the west is to accept whether God exists or not. The invention of various ‘theisms’ are for their audience. The theistic debates of the west fail in logic & reasoning and wisdom in front of even a preliminary sentence from Vedas. Hindus should begin to ignore the western or middle-eastern propaganda for their own people. Everyone hates a rich man but everyone wants to attract his attention. The Hindus are the culturally richest people of the planet and the ignoramuses are criticizing them to preach to their own people. Who are they preaching against? Their own people. They want to control their people through imaginary descriptions of God and spirituality. When Hindus become a silent witness to their stupidity, their hate industry will stop.

Focus on Karma as per Bhagavad Gita and you will never lose any battle that is thrust upon you.

Search ‘sattology’ on amazon to see all my books ! Till then keep chanting Harinam !!

Credit Image: Gita Press

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Aditya Satsangi is an American author (Non-Fiction) of several widely acclaimed books on Amazon - Search 'Sattology' on Amazon | A Spiritualist, Political Commentator and Passionate Hindu / Vedic Historian | He is also an avid Golfer. YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/sattology | Facebook: facebook.com/sattology ; facebook.com/SattologyAuthor | Telegram: https://t.me/SattologyCourse