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The word Pakistan was originally coined in 1933 by Chowdhary Rahmat Ali while studying at Cambridge University in the UK. He published a pamphlet – Now or Never; Are we to live or perish forever? This pamphlet later came to be known as Pakistan Declaration. He died destitute, forlorn so much so that his funeral expenses were covered by Cambridge university.

Despite Islam being the most violent faith against Hindus for thousands of years, Hindutva or Hinduism has survived.

Their frustration against Hindus is apparent in their campaigns and public outcries over Kashmir. For those Pakistanis, they lost a land which they thought they had conquered. Their fear is, Hindus may ask for all Hindu religious sites in Pakistan to be returned or risk a religious war between Hinduism and Islam.

The fear mongering against kafirs, kafirphobia is taught to all students of Islam in their Pakistani mosques.

This fake narrative of survival often creates the most aggressive and oppressive mindset towards Hindus. Pakistan as a state was created as an act of aggression and hatred against Hindus. For Pakistani Muslims, every single mosque that was built on top of a destroyed Hindu temple is a symbol of Pride and humiliation of Hindus. Their first fear is, Hindus may demand return of all such mosques in Pakistan. Every single Muslim Terrorist that killed innocent Hindus is considered a hero. The heroes of Pakistan, Babur, Ghaznavi, Akbar, Aurangzeb, Tipu Sultan, Timur and nowadays most kashmiri Terrorists are considered terrorists by Hindus because of their acts of violence directed against Hindus. Any Hindu that practices their religion is considered a threat by Muslims in Pakistan. The barbaric atrocities on Hindus in Pakistan by their mosques cannot be described in words. Kidnapping of Hindu women and girls is considered a trophy by Pakistani Mosques. Killing of young Hindu men is considered a victory of Islam in Pakistani Mosques.

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The creation of Pakistan itself is on foundation of hatred of Hindus or kafirs. Pakistan as a state has become the most impure because of the actions of its Mosques.

The two nation theory used the word ‘Pakistan’ to divide India on religious lines. British used it effectively to punish Hindus. Why both British colonial Christians and Pakistani Muslims hate Hindus? The reason was that Hindus were educated, civilized and more cultured. The only way to defeat Hindu culture was to politically defeat them by snatching their land in the name of Islam. They knew that Hindus will again self introspect and blame their fate on Karma.

The philosophy of Karma plays an important role in Hindus’ life which automatically makes Hindus self-respecting, self-controlled and introspecting.

Hindu leaders such as Mahatma Gandhi and Nehru were smartly fooled by political Islam and political Christianity. None of the invading political ideologies such as Christianity and Islam had the spiritual depth of Hinduism. In addition, the traditions of Hinduism or Hindutva were vastly superior to any other invading faith. On top of that, the scriptures of Hindus predate any recorded history of modern times. All these factors made the founders of Islamic Pakistan very jealous and filled with inferiority complex vis-a-vis Hindus.

Therefore, Pakistani Muslims created a school curriculum where they started indoctrinating their children in hatred of Kafirs or Hindus right from an early age. Their description of Hindus in their school texts are the most xenophobic, racist and bigoted to put it mildly.

That’s why today  we see a highly radicalized Pakistani youth today. Their reason of existence is hatred of Hindus. This kafirphobic hatred is seen in Pakistani Journalists, Pakistani Diaspora in UK & US, current crop of Pakistani politicians and of course the zeal of their terrorizing army & ISI.


Rahmat Ali pointed out that Muslims cannot live with Hindus because Hinduism or hindutva is vastly superior with following salient points.

  • God is a person and He has many names such as Krishna, Ram, Hari

  • The philosophy of Karma

  • The philosophy of Reincarnation

  • The scientific religious literature of Hindus. Hindus have a religion that is best documented


In his opinion, Muslims won’t be able to practice Islam as it is put against a superior and sophisticated system of Hindu religion. Out of his deep insecurity, he sowed the seeds of partition to take away a part of Hindus’ land.

Pakistan’s creation itself was due to insecurity. Therefore, more Pakistani residents are also insecure because of their faith.

History has again shown through Pakistan example that Islamic societies cannot manage themselves because of their belief system.

Pakistan is today the world’s worst perpetrators of Human rights abuses against its own citizens. Pakistani Islamic State itself is devoid of Kindness, perseverance and tolerance towards its own citizens because of the very nature of its founding.

Most Pakistani Muslims are keen to reject sharia if Pakistani discriminatory and Islamic apostate laws are removed. With that deep Islamic insecurity, Pakistan has imploded again with Balochis, Pashtuns and Sindhis also demanding freedom from Punjabi Sunni Muslims.

The days of Pakistan are numbered because there is a complete absence of governance, finance and justice in that land.

In their zeal to claim the most fanatic title, Pakistani Muslims have already made a mockery of themselves in front of Arabs and other islamic countries.

While Pakistani Muslims claim to be the custodians of Islam, Arabs have repeatedly admonished them on their terror credentials.


Pakistani immigrants to UK have carried this insecurity to British mainland also. Their enemy in UK are Christians and Hindus. British cleverly divided India into Muslim Pakistan and Hindu India, but their bad Karma of Dividing India has brought them the gift of Pakistani Muslims in UK. Those Pakistani Muslims have brought Islamic hate as a political ideology in British politics. Their open hatred of British Police, British Monarchy and British values have brought them directly in conflict with British society today. Most Pakistani mosques spew their hateful sermons against British society. If anyone questions the reason of their hatred, then that person is called bigoted, Islamophobic and racist. Most british Pakistani Muslims can be easily termed kafirphobic. Their literal translation of their religious book has brought out questions about their book, education and intent.

It is definitely to the credit of British Non-Muslim society , that they have shown higher tolerance despite violent instigation by Pakistani Muslims.

Needless to say that today, British Pakistanis are the least employable community in Britain. People have lost trust in their community. The same thing can repeat in the US too.


Most Pakistani muslims were forcibly converted to Islam betweeen 1100 and 1900AD from Hindu community.

Their shame of forced conversion through rapes and murder of their family explains their sense of insecurity and hatred against their original parent Hindu community. Hindu community tolerated Islamic barbarism but did not convert. In the process they lost 80 million of their own community members to barbaric Islamic looters. The people who converted are those Muslims in Pakistan, Bangladesh and India.

The resilience of Hindus has earned them respect which no other persecuted religious community can claim.

When Pakistani Muslims claim their heritage to be Arabic, even Arabs don’t accept it. This is the time for Pakistani Muslims to take a step back and ponder, where are they going? Pakistani Muslims are gradually emerging to be the orphans of Islam.

No one seems to buy their claims of innocence over the existence of Terror Universities across Pakistan.

Maybe they should again think of going back to Hinduism as a mark of respect to their ancestors thereby gaining some respectability. Whether Hindus welcome them back, only time can tell.

The word Pakistan was coined in 1933, and there are high chances that it may cease to exist soon. ‘Bakistan’ may well be the new name.

Bharat will continue to live for eternity, because Sanatana Dharma or Hindutva or Hinduism can never be defeated because Hari or God protects it. It is also a time for Hindus to spiritualize themselves through Harinam.

Jai Shri Ram! Please donate to save Hindu temples.

Disclaimer: The views expressed are of the author and personal.

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Aditya Satsangi is an American author (Non-Fiction) of several widely acclaimed books on Amazon - Search 'Sattology' on Amazon | A Spiritualist, Political Commentator and Passionate Hindu / Vedic Historian | He is also an avid Golfer. YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/sattology | Facebook: facebook.com/sattology ; facebook.com/SattologyAuthor | Telegram: https://t.me/SattologyCourse