According to many dictionaries ‘Nationalism’ means love of people for their country, culture and identity.
Patriotism is synonymous with nationalism. Many people in the world love their countries and everything for which their country stands for. The culture, traditions, eating habits, arts, language, defense and economy are all parts of any nation state. It’s also the ideology, literature, history and political movements that define a nation. Many confused philosophers such as Rosa Luxembourg, and have twisted the connotations of Nationalism. According to them, the nation states need to have a homogenous populations living across borderless with freedom of movement. A sure recipe for anarchy. But what is the purpose ? Primordialism, Ethnosymbolism and Modernism are different philosophies related to nationalism.
Who are the proponents of nationalism? Nationalism is built on common ethnic, social, cultural and educational foundations. Most ancient ethnic cultures are nationalistic to a large extent. A communal faith structure also imposes nationalism to bind people and culture together. But if that faith creates a system of hierarchy then this type of nationalism crumbles. People from ancient lands of China, Russia, Japan, Pre-Islamic Persia, Greece, India and other south Asian Hindu / Buddhist countries are very nationalistic. And they have a right to be. Bharat was the name of the whole planet earth and therefore Indians usually are the most adjustable people on the planet. All native people are nationalistic such as Native Americans, Native Brazilians and others who fought to preserve their culture from colonialists.
Nowadays the ‘rights’ lobby is very much against the word nationalism which they equate with fascism. However, nationalism is considered a virtue in Sanatana Dharma.
Nationalism is a duty and as well as right. Nationalism is expected from a resident of any country for their motherland. Nationalism is a sign of gratitude. Everyone in a country should be allowed to celebrate nationalism because it is everyone’s right as well as duty. When someone claims to be more nationalistic than others, then others may appear to be anti-nationalistic which is in a way usurping their rights. According to Chanakya, those people should be taught to love their nation. Just like all children have equal rights and duties towards their parents. Everyone in a Sanatana Dharma system has a responsibility to allow others to express their inherent duty of nationalism.
Who are the opponents of Nationalism?
Global faith based communities are anti nationalism. Because they are looking to protect the rights of only their faith. They use victimhood and other fake phobic campaign terms to galvanize their people to become fearful of other nationalistic people. Ultra leftists communists and ultra leftist academicians are also anti nationalists because they are trying to test their philosophies. Mostly they oppose nationalism to continue their funding from alternative research funds.
Nationalism is good and should be promoted to protect the rights of residents. Anti nationalism is the philosophy of racist, colonialists and bigoted people who want to impose their ideals on natives.