Human greed knows no bounds. We have seen this and realized this many times over the history. But we haven’t learnt any lessons from it. When Brahmaa created this material world, he created fruits, vegetables, birds, insects, reptiles, quadrupeds, fishes, trees and humans in perfect harmony with each other. Humans being the most evolved species with the biggest brain power was created to respect that harmony and assist other species to give them their space as per past Karma. Some animals were given to assist humans in their daily lives which they have regularly used in the past. While other animal species maintained ecological balance vital for the well-being of the entire planet. All species have their task cutout by their creator to maintain that harmony. We may not know their usage but our specialists know their contribution to our ecology.
Humans have single handedly caused the worst type of air pollution in the last 100 years just for their profit.
The industrial revolution or rather industrial degradation caused Manchester skies to remain black for years. The carbon monoxide broke the Ozone layer in many parts of the world. The biggest pollution was caused by exporting industrial revolution through faith based colonization of India and Far East. The destruction of the natural hand-made products industry of India to favor British profits was the root cause of air pollution in the UK and India. The USA & Soviet industrial cold war competition created the majority of air pollution post world war II. Needless to say that oil industry automation for getting cheap fuel created the majority of transportation related air pollution. The poor developing countries were at the receiving end of this air pollution that emanated from Western Industrialized societies.
The western logic of exporting development doesn’t hold ground here. Because the end result of pollution related diseases & death far outweigh the utility of fossil fuel based development.
Next comes Water pollution. The residual of fossil fuels and other industries polluted water tables of most of the land of the planet. This is a universal problem and has nothing to do with any nation state. While western countries used chemicals to ensure their water tables were clean, the poor developing or underdeveloped countries that could not afford western technologies had to suffer.
The human greed of seafood resulted in destruction of marine ecosystems across the world.
Space Pollution is the new frontier of human greed. We are throwing all junk via our experiments in space now. Again the industrialized countries are competing on this front. First we destroyed air, then water and now space. What development are we seeking? Are these economies actually increasing lifespan? The answer is no. Because you can see the number of health clinics and hospitals increasing. If the lifespan of humans was increasing then we should need less hospitals.
The entire development logic is an euphemism for human greed.
The result of all of the above is Climate Change. One of the biggest causes of climate change is again Human Greed. For the taste of our tongue and to maintain high moral ground, we outsourced our consumption of meat to large corporations who can maintain large slaughterhouses. It is a well known statistic that the meat industry produces the maximum greenhouse emissions. It has single handedly destroyed Amazon forests and is globally responsible for climate change. In olden times every family was producing their own meat, that never caused global pollution. If any of our children knew how the meat is produced mercilessly in organized factories, they will never accept that good because of inherent goodness & innocence established by Krishna or God in them.
The majority of viruses in the last 100 years in human society have come from the organized meat industry.
Some history of transmission of viruses from birds, animals to Humans.
- We know that the corona-virus behind the SARS outbreak of 2002 to 2003 spread from bats into palm civets before infecting people.
- The last global pandemic, the 2009 flu that killed up to 400,000 people, was caused by a strain of flu that came from pigs.
- And that flu is thought to be a descendant of the 1918 flu, which came from birds and which killed up to 50 million people.
- HIV, which has infected about 75 million people, is now thought of as a human virus. But it jumped from chimpanzees into humans relatively recently, in the 1930s.
- There are already around four human coronaviruses, which usually cause mild, cold-like symptoms. They are thought to have come from animals thousands of years ago.
- Flu remains one of the biggest dangers, with fears that a very deadly strain could emerge. Other zoonotic threats include Lassa fever, Rift Valley fever, Marburg virus disease and Nipah virus infection.
This is the time for us to rethink and re-calibrate for the future benefit of humanity. The Hindu practices of Vegetarianism & Yoga are becoming more relevant today.
Let’s build a kinder planet. Our planet.
Credits: Google search – ScienceDirect; pexels
Disclaimer: The views are personal to the author
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