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The Small Britain’s exploitation of India started in 1608 when they landed in Surat on the pretext of trade. In 1615, Thomas Row asked for a manufacturing plant in Surat from Muslim ruler Jehangir. They began their exploitation of India from then onwards often taking sides between rival local rulers. They would offer their mercenary protection to one faction thereby gaining political influence.

The English have always known to be the exploiters even in ‘The Small Britain’ where they exploited Scottish, Welsh and Irish. The English East India Company was their principal bandwagon of Exploitation of India.

Between 1615 and 1874, there were untold stories of exploitation of Indian Princely states by these small minded English traders. In 1874, Warren Hastings became the first official Governor General for total Indian exploitation authorized by the Small Britain’s parliament through an East India Act of 1874 following the teachings of exploitative philosophy of Macaulay & Max Mueller. Max Mueller & Macaulay, were the intelligence officers of Small Britain whose only job was to destroy the strength of Indian society from within through ideological strategy. They had already concluded in their research that the only way to subjugate Indians was to make them believe that they were uncivilized and uneducated as compared to Small Britain. 

The exploitation of Indian Handloom workers increased more than thousand percentage points under the direct rule of ‘Small Britain’. The raw materials were forcefully bought from India and sent to Manchester and other parts of Britain to make finished goods.

Those same goods were sold to poor Indians at higher cost to make more profit for the evil ‘Small British’ businesses. Within 10 years of the ‘Small British’ direct rule of India, they converted the export oriented Indian economy to a net importer. 

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The extent of exploitation of Indian workers will put to shame all the Human Rights standards of UNHRC. Going by the economic calculation of that period, the entire wealth of ‘Small Britain’ actually came from India.

As per Angus Maddison, the honest economist, the Indian economy’s global share of trade was 23% in 1874. It got reduced to just 4% by 1947. Such was the economic terror unleashed by ‘Small Britain’ on India. The BullDog of ‘Small Britain’, Winston (Cunning) Churchill, famously compared Indians to insects, rodents and reptiles. According to him, Indians were meant to die. Because of him, Bengal famine was exploited to feed British Soldiers fighting for the ‘Small British’ empire. Between 4-20 million Indians were left to starve to death. Indian author Rakhi Chakraborty has compiled the history of treachery of ‘The Small Britain’s role in the largest genocide of humans anywhere on the planet. Winston Churchill redirected ships laden with grains coming from Australia to Mediterranean. The racist ‘Small British’ minded people still glorify Winston Churchill as their greatest PM which for Indians means that their racism hasn’t ended yet. It is absolutely sure that the Small Britain will surely experience the results of that bad Karma of that genocide for a long time to come in future also. 

The ‘Small British’ savagery of Bihar famine in 1877 puts to shame, the savegery of  the Nazi concentration camp Buchenwald. The ‘Relief efforts’ of the British made people walk almost 15 miles for their ration with a 94% death rate. ‘The Small Britain’ was even worse than Nazis in their hatred of Indians. 

If this was not enough, ‘The Small Britain’ introduced English Language to a small minority of Indians so that they could communicate better and also to further divide the Indian society in classes so that Indians rule over Indians.

The introduction of English language was to enslave the rest of Indian population. The British Anthropologist Herpert Hope Risley imposed a caste system on Indians based on their European class system to create a class of Brown skinned people who would obey their orders. Indian society and scriptures do not support a birth based classification of society. Many Indian words have become part of English lexicon ever since. In 1843, Governor General Charles Harding introduced Indian railways to transport military equipment and trade to Indian Sea ports. In those railways – ‘Dogs and Indians were not allowed.’ Thousands of Indians died constructing those railways. Still the ‘Small British’ claim that railways & English united India. India did unite after 1947 after being divided into Pakistan, Burma and Afghanistan. Indians paid a huge price for the debauchery of ‘The Small Britain.’ The 1905 division of Bengal into Muslim Majority &. Hindu Majority was a precursor of Separating Afghanistan in 1919 and then later Pakistan in 1947. In 1948, ‘Small Britain’ separated Burma from India.

That Nehru and Gandhi were cultivated by ‘Small British’ as political pawns who sidelined Subhash Chandra Bose is now a well known fact. Here also the debauchery of ‘Small Britain’ cannot be hidden. 

While people of Small Britain might not want to apologize for the bad karma of their ancestors, but the world knows the evil deeds of the barbaric ancestors of these unapologetic small minded residents of ‘The Small Britain’.

The historical truth is that all literature produced by any British author or royalty is Puny and childish as compared to anything produced in Indian native languages. The irony of this article written in English cannot be over emphasized.

Apology & Financial reparations is a very small price to ask from ‘The Small British’ Government. 

My Prayers: May Indians begin to appreciate their culture by reading their history from Ramayana, Mahabharat and Bhagavad Gita to remove their colonial mindset. That’s my humble prayer to Shri Ram and Krishna. Jai Shri Ram | Hare Krishna

Disclaimer: The views expressed are Personal to the author

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Aditya Satsangi is an American author (Non-Fiction) of several widely acclaimed books on Amazon - Search 'Sattology' on Amazon | A Spiritualist, Political Commentator and Passionate Hindu / Vedic Historian | He is also an avid Golfer. YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/sattology | Facebook: facebook.com/sattology ; facebook.com/SattologyAuthor | Telegram: https://t.me/SattologyCourse