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Proselytizing one’s faith is allowed in large democracies such as India and the USA. Also, it is allowed in most leftist or politically correct European countries. However, the fifty seven Islamic nations do not allow proselytizing at all. People of other faiths have to remain inconspicuous in those Islamic countries to avoid detection by state religious police. In India and the USA, the constitution guarantees state protection to all faiths. Conversion to another faith within constitutional parameters is a human right in most countries of the planet except the 57 countries. When these communities from these countries migrate to other democracies they come with that mindset which is rather unconducive to their integration. The word Kafir in their religious texts forbids any integration outside their community. While they can marry women outside their community as trophies, but usually they detest their women being married to Kafirs. Similar is true of other Abrahamic faiths. In Arabic / Persian dictionaries the meaning of the word Hindu is ugly, thief, dark, evil, devil and anything bad that can be ascribed. That is taught to their daughters and sons so that they do not mingle with Hindu. 

The conversion is common to two faiths in the world – Christianity and Islam. Both of them have come from the Old Testament. They are cousin faiths along with Judaism. They are collectively known as Abrahamic faiths.

Their goal is to increase their population through various coercive methods that are justified in their literature. Coercion of any sort has one big problem and that is the freedom of intelligent choice is denied to the individual. The philosophical persuasion is a very weak option in both of those faiths. Therefore coercion is the only option left. The Christian crusades used disease, war, ridicule, lies and debauchery as the coercion tools. Also, they extensively campaigned against the faith of the locals through inculturation, a process of substitution of local faith symbols with their own. South America and North America bore the brunt of Crusades. The Pantheon in Rome has been an historical place for Romans. Their 12 Roman Olympian Gods were replaced by 12 Popes. The Inca, Mayan and Aztec civilizations were wiped out in the entire Americas. The Spaniards and Portuguese divided the lands of Americas between themselves until English and French came.

India has also suffered at the hands of Crusaders until 1947. The crusade is still going on against Hindus. Their scriptures were mistranslated so that Indians consider everything western is better. 

Islamic invaders destroyed local faiths through destruction of their places of worship, intimidation, violation of women, barbarism and loot. The brunt of Islamic invasions and loot tormented Parsik (Iran, Iraq, Armenia, Turkey, Syria, Turkmenistan, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan), Undivided India (Afghanistan, Pakistan, Bangladesh) and other parts of East Asia. Zoroastrianism was wiped out in Parsik. Hinduism was wiped out in Pakistan, Afghanistan and Bangladesh. None of these lands ever belonged to the invaders. The destruction of the native lands was done out of deep insecurity of the promoters. There was a jealous zeal to spread their faith through any means.

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90,000 Hindu temples were broken across current India, Pakistan and Bangladesh. 

What is that insecurity? There are three main insecurities. 

  • First, Fear of reducing their community. 
  • Second, Lack of philosophical depth in their own literature
  • Third, Fear of their clergy


Why do they attack Hindus or Sanatana Dharma? In short the answer is that ‘Sanatana Dharma is philosophically diametrically opposite of what abrahamic faiths represent.’ There are some major differences that make them really envious of Sanatana Dharma or Hinduism as it is colloquially called. 

  • the Philosophy of Eternal life, 
  • The Science behind the Dharma, 
  • The Timeless and Ageless History,
  • The Freedom to the practitioner,
  • The Freedom to Arts, Culture and Expression

In Abrahamic faiths are especially created to protect only their followers. Anyone outside their community is an adversary to them.

Therefore, they preach peace, tolerance and sin to protect their power over the people they govern. They create a community around their faith. That’s why they are considered communal. They preach peace to defang their enemies’ ability to defend. As per their own faith, they are allowed to wage any type of war conventional, informational or unconventional war to defend their followers or increase their followers. Usually, they indulge in blaspheming any other faith outside of their community and that is considered piety. If you want to be convinced then just look at their history from the time they were started. 

The world history is written by Faith Based Colonists and the locals are painted as evil by these colonists. Unless this mythology is rejected, there can be no revival of local people and culture. 


Look forward to the second part coming soon …

Disclaimer: The views expressed are personal to author

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Aditya Satsangi is an American author (Non-Fiction) of several widely acclaimed books on Amazon - Search 'Sattology' on Amazon | A Spiritualist, Political Commentator and Passionate Hindu / Vedic Historian | He is also an avid Golfer. YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/sattology | Facebook: facebook.com/sattology ; facebook.com/SattologyAuthor | Telegram: https://t.me/SattologyCourse