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Deepawali is an occasion to celebrate Bhagawan Ram’s victory over Ravana.

Most uninformed people generalize it as a victory of good over evil to hide their apparent embarrassment of their own history taught to them by fake translators of Ramayan who had no apparent knowledge of Sanskrit. The victory of Bhagawan Ram is celebrated by lighting ghee lamps, til seed lamps and also firecrackers in celebration. Before leaving for Ayodhya, Bhagawan Ram asked Hanuman to inform Bharat about, “Kidnapping of Sita by Ravana, His talks with Sugreeva, killing of Vali in battle, search for Sita, crossing of ocean to search for Sita, My reaching the shore of ocean, making of bridge on the ocean, killing of Ravana, ‘My meeting with Indra, Brahma & Varun and receiving their blessings’ and My vision of My father through the mercy of Mahadeva.”  Bhagavan Ram informed Hanuman to inform Bharat that, “I am coming along with Vibhishan and Sugreeva.” After that you study the expressions and also the mental situation of Bharat, If He has the slightest inclination of enjoying the Kingdom then I will proceed to live like a tapasvi in a hermitage.

Then He asked His plane to land at Nandigram near Ayodhya. On His plane were Sita, Sugreeva, Vibhishan and millions of Monkeys.

When Bharat heard from Hanuman that Bhagavan Ram had come back from his exile, He became extremely happy. He wanted to know from Hanuman, “how Bhagavan Ram met these monkeys and where did He met them?” Bharat was extremely honest in His love for Bhagavan Ram. He was managing the entire Kingdom for Bhagawan Ram. He also informed Hanuman that the Kingdom of Bhagawan Ram had increased ten fold in all aspects such as economy, land, population and fame.

He welcomed Bhagawan Ram in a very solemn and sacred ceremony into Ayodhya with full honor. He handed over the entire state to Bhagavan Ram. 

Bharat ordered the entire Ayodhya city to become ready to receive Bhagavan Ram. He ordered all the pious people of Ayodhya to assemble together at all the important places of the huge city to greet Bhagawan Ram. He ordered all citizens to worship their Kuladevata with all the necessary paraphernalia required to respect them. Then He ordered all the residents to light up their homes with flags and festoons to celebrate this momentous occasion.

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He ordered the entire city to be lit up with ghee lamps up to nandigram where Bhagavan Ram had arrived from Bharadwaj Rishi’s ashram. 

The history of Bhagavan Ram is filled with excitement, knowledge and His glorious character. Diwali is just one occasion to invite him within our hearts and homes. However a person can invite Him within their hearts for the whole year.

Three things to get blessings of Bhagavan Ram:

  • Chant His names
  • Serve His devotees 
  • Make a temple for Him in your neighborhood

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Aditya Satsangi is an American author (Non-Fiction) of several widely acclaimed books on Amazon - Search 'Sattology' on Amazon | A Spiritualist, Political Commentator and Passionate Hindu / Vedic Historian | He is also an avid Golfer. YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/sattology | Facebook: facebook.com/sattology ; facebook.com/SattologyAuthor | Telegram: https://t.me/SattologyCourse