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The British nobility has been known in history to be a very racial society with deep hatred for commoners. The British Kings and Queens have been known to treat common citizens with disdain until recently. This class system is institutionalized even in their parliament. The House of Lords is for the Nobility or the Right Wingers. The House of Commoners is left wingers. The two classes of a commoner and a nobility is clearly apparent. The peasant class or commoners have no say in decision making of the state or even for themselves. The deep apartheid of classes is so institutionalized that ordinary people have come to accept it as a normal.

The monarchy was abolished in India by the British but they kept it alive in their own country.

Rome also had two main classes: Patricians (Rulers) and Plebeians (Commoners). In every single European country this class or caste system is very prominent. Even Islam has two main classes – Ashraf (Those connected to Muhammad’s family) and Ajlaf (Those who converted to Islam from other faiths). Therefore, technically all Parsik people and other Hindus converting to Islam are called Kafirs by Arab Muslim puritans.

This class system is very much present even today hidden by the deep state powers that retained their hold over the power structures under the pretext of God.

The seven classes or castes identified in Britain as per their 2017 British Class Survey are: Elite (6% of population), Established Middle Class (25% of the Population), Technical Middle Class (6 % of population), New Affluent Workers (15% of Population), Traditional Working Class (14% of population), Emergent Service Sector (19% of population), and Precariat (15% of population). This survey was mostly done on white population of the UK. This excludes the royalty and nobility.

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Even today this class system is imposed on British in the form of 21st century classification as A, B, C1, C2, D and E.

Compare this to the Caste system imposed on Hindus by Herpert Hope Risley who claimed to be a follower of Scientific Racism. In the 1901 census, he identified and imposed seven castes in Hindus. The seven that he believed to be capable of classification were the Aryo-Dravidian, Dravidian, Indo-Aryan, Mongolo-Dravidian, Mongoloid, Scytho-Dravidian and the Turko-Iranian. British tried their best to impose their classes on Hindus. When they accuse Hindus of caste system, they are horribly wrong. They are trying to impose their own shallowness on Hindus. 

“The English word “caste” derives from the Spanish and Portuguese casta, which, according to the John Minsheu’s Spanish dictionary (1569), means “race, lineage, tribe or breed”. When the Spanish colonized the New World, they used the word to mean a “clan or lineage”. It was, however, the Portuguese who first employed casta in the primary modern sense of the English word ‘caste’ when they applied it to the thousands of endogamous, hereditary Indian social groups they encountered upon their arrival in India in 1498. The use of the spelling “caste”, with this latter meaning, is first attested in English in 1613.”

The fancy titles given by British Royalty to commoners were to extract their loyalty towards themselves. For example, the title Knight was given to someone who can lead a local military force. The title Lord and Majesty were pompously shared to loyal servants of the monarch. The external behavior of extreme servitude like bowing in a ceremonial way or bending knees were to ensure that commoners treat royalty with respect. The Vatican is a classical example of Theoretical Absolute Elective Monarchy. The fancy titles of Cardinal (Prince), Bishop, Priest and Deacon are the honorific class titles almost akin to a Political Roman Empire. The fact that India has two Archbishops shows that the Church is losing all other places. The European class system has created two artificial distinct classes in church: that of commoner and Nobility.

The social class system that is imposed through an institution is the worst form of apartheid or racism.

The Church gave motivational support to all types of class based exploitation in Europe for the last 800 years of active church History. They made one Kingdom fight with another to ultimately retain their control over the politics of those states. Similarly the Ummah is also known to impose a rigid class system controlled by the Mosques.

The head of the Mosque is treated like a king, their relatives are the royalty. Rest all others are the commoners. The class system or caste system is enforced upon the believers. For non-believers or infidels or apostates the punishment is often death. Very similar to Catholicism or Christianity.

To conclude Class system or Caste system is of western and Abrahamic origin and is based on exploitation through the power structure enforced through religion.

The Hindu system of Varna is through Education and Occupation. Hinduism or Sanatana Dharma doesn’t impose any class or caste system because that is not part of their Vedic literature. In Hinduism, everyone is born divine and equal.

Disclaimer: The views expressed are personal to the author

References: British Class Survey | Abdel-Haleem, Muhammad (8 Sep 2010). Understanding the Qur’ān: Themes and Style. I. B. Tauris & Co Ltd. p. 68. ISBN 978-1845117894. |

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Aditya Satsangi is an American author (Non-Fiction) of several widely acclaimed books on Amazon - Search 'Sattology' on Amazon | A Spiritualist, Political Commentator and Passionate Hindu / Vedic Historian | He is also an avid Golfer. YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/sattology | Facebook: facebook.com/sattology ; facebook.com/SattologyAuthor | Telegram: https://t.me/SattologyCourse