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In Bhagavad Gita, Krishna tells us about the quality of good political leaders – “Bravery, Determination, Power, Expertise, Patience, Magnanimity, Never running from Battlefield and Leadership.”

These are also the necessary qualities for leaders today when they are facing anarchist opposition, Faith Based Neo Colonialists (FBNC) and ultra leftist media.

A good political leader has to take a decision for the greater good of the majority of residents of the state. Often good decisions need planning, and flawless execution. Democracy is the modern and complex  system of governance that requires extensive effort and coordination by Political leaders, Military, Law Enforcement, Judiciary, Executive Branches, Media and Civil Society. Not all countries have the patience and stamina to maintain a democratic society. Therefore, many countries fail to maintain a functional democracy.

To have a functioning democracy, A Political leader needs to have great patience and expertise to maneuver through a myriad of complex challenges while delivering good for the greater section of people whose mandate a leader receives.

Nobody can please everyone. Therefore, a good political leader has to protect the larger interests of the country, aspirations of its residents and also deliver on the promises made to its residents while seeking their endorsement.

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Challenges to modern democracies come from Internal as well as External sources.

The Internal challenges come from misinformation campaigns in media and foreign agents of vested interests who have infiltrated the society. External challenges come from known enemies of state, Invading Ideologies and Trade blocs. For modern democracies, control of misinformation on media while ensuring Freedom of Expression has become a vital challenge.

In today’s social media world, foreign states and also anarchist communities infiltrate a society on pretext of Human Rights, Freedom of Expression, Ideological terrorism as well as physical ideology driven terrorism to wage a war against democratic societies.

The external threat to the democracy can be easily managed through the state’s military power but the internal threat is far more difficult to manage. Foreign controlled social media platforms are one of the biggest threats to a democracy. It’s a new form of colonialism.

Deplatformization is almost like denying freedom of expression.

A democracy must protect their nationalists and patriots alike from this new internal threat. Denying of voice to the majority of its residents creates discontentment and apathical citizens. That leads to frustration which may further may lead to a violence in a democratic society. Therefore, ensuring an unbiased media platform is the new responsibility of a modern democracy. It is the new responsibility of the state to create social media platforms that ensure freedom of expression for all its residents. It can be done through laws and also ensuring that foreign enemy states do not create internal law and order issues.

Religion inspired terrorism against people of different faith has become a new tool of enemies of democracy.

Most honorable democratic states have laws to protect peaceful practice and propagation of individual faiths. Some rogue states maintain state religions that often trample the rights of people who do not follow the state religions.

History has shown that when a community oriented faith cannot accommodate any other community, those states fail.

Those types of faiths need to be modified for the modern democratic state by injecting pluralism in their philosophy. In that, Sanatana Dharma is the only faith that can accommodate the largest group of people of varied spiritual aspirations. Other faiths are usually community oriented. Their religious texts do not allow them to mix freely through apostasy laws and other injunctions. Such communal religions do not fit inside multi-racial, multi-ethnic and multi-religious democratic states. Because the faith itself is not allowing them to mix freely. Therefore such democratic societies need to create common laws that protects the rights of all communities through state. A different set of laws for different communities is a recipe for failure of a democratic state. 

The new form of external aggression is Human Rights based politics where the rights of only one community are respected through foreign institutions and rogue media. The religion inspired human rights campaigns often ignore the human rights of people from other religions.

Human Rights alibi is often used as a camouflage to hide the real intentions to demographically change the composition of the society. The real goal is to control the state through demographic subversion. Atrocity literature are created  by privately controlled media houses to camouflage the aggressors as victims. It’s like an ideological attack against democracies where multiple faiths are practiced. When the natives defend, they are branded as nationalists. These faith inspired colonists hate nationalism of natives because it stands between them and power. Human Rights of natives are completely ignored by these faith based colonialists.

Often times foreign religious freedom reports and fake atrocity literature are created by popular private foreign media houses against a particular democratic state to get more rights for their communities.

A democratic state needs to stand firm against these demands and take necessary actions against all those sources of disinformation. Often times, the state may be required to ban those foreign sources so as to protect their freedom. The state may brand them as external enemies and also take decisive action against them.

Faith based colonialists have a very large and sophisticated ecosystem that controls narrative via popular media brands, funding sources from nation states and some high profile personalities from the entertainment industry.

Collectively. they carry out aggression against successful democracies. Faith based Neo colonialists (FBNC) extensively rely on fake narratives against democracies, fake narratives of victim-hood, fake Human Rights concern and deceitful selective outreach to ultimately attack successful democracies on behalf of their beliefs. They create dissension within a society by sometimes supporting one faith over others while demanding more rights to impose their cultural symbols over others. Any type of questioning by others is deemed phobia and the entire institution of a democratic state is abused to demand more rights for themselves.

These FBNCs dry up the resources of a democratic society. They infiltrate the democratic societies through political opposition parties, student bodies and create a narrative with the ultimate aim of destroying democracy.

A democratic state as well as civil society needs to identify these external enemies and must take decisive action. There is no need for political correctness by State leaders as well as civil society.

Civil society has perhaps become more important than elected leaders today to protect their fabric of social justice. They must also create social institutions and media houses to protect against the aggression of foreign faith based colonialists.

FBNCs extensively use social media to propagate their fake narratives to create social disharmony. They exploit the civility and culture of a democratic society. They extensively use harsh words such as racist, xenophobic, supremacist, phobic, hater and other terms to produce a guilt consciousness in the democratic society. Repetition of these words by their ecosystem often confuses the democratic society. But their goal is only to ultimately gain power for their faith to further exploit the resources only for their community and faith.

In many countries which are controlled by their faith, other people from other faiths are almost like animals with no freedom of expression. Democratic societies need to watch out for these aggressors. They camouflage well.

Therefore, it becomes the duty of a democratically elected leader

  • to make necessary laws to protect the interests of their natives, patriots and nationalists,
  • empower enforcement of laws,
  • plan decisive military & ideological warfare to defend the interests of Democracy.
  • to create social media platforms and media institutions that cannot be infiltrated by faith based Neo colonialists (FBNC)
  • to identify both external and internal threats to protect Democracy

Today the nationalistic communities across the world are rising to defend themselves from this external and internal enemies.

More nationalistic leaders are coming to power who value their own faith and culture. Both civil societies and elected governments have a collective responsibility to guard against these Neo colonialists.

The teachings of Bhagavad Gita have become even more important for the leaders and also Democratic societies.

Disclaimer: Author’s views are personal


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Aditya Satsangi is an American author (Non-Fiction) of several widely acclaimed books on Amazon - Search 'Sattology' on Amazon | A Spiritualist, Political Commentator and Passionate Hindu / Vedic Historian | He is also an avid Golfer. YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/sattology | Facebook: facebook.com/sattology ; facebook.com/SattologyAuthor | Telegram: https://t.me/SattologyCourse