Wednesday, March 26, 2025
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Indo-China Conflict: What does Dharma advise?

India or Bharat is the home of Dharma. What does Dharma advise on this conflict? It is very interesting to note that Narada Muni,...

Class or Caste System is an Abrahamic concept

The British nobility has been known in history to be a very racial society with deep hatred for commoners. The British Kings and Queens...

Will Hinduism end up in a Museum?

The history of the world is written by Faith Based Colonialists. Just like the Spanish conquest of Americas after Columbus’s discovery of South America,...

Adhyatm अध्यात्म, the basis of Strength (Vashi Sharma & Aditya Satsangi)

In this Frank and humorous conversation Vashi Sharma - Co Founder of Agniveer and Writer Aditya Satsangi discuss various ways of Strengthening Hindu identity. They...

A born Leader who wishes to follow

Leadership is an inherent quality that one either has or doesn’t have. It’s not something that is developed over a period of time. Think...

Challenges to Modern Democracy

In Bhagavad Gita, Krishna tells us about the quality of good political leaders - "Bravery, Determination, Power, Expertise, Patience, Magnanimity, Never running from Battlefield...

Foundation for a Strong Hindu

There is a general misconception regarding preaching in the Hindu community. Often times we hear Hindu communities complaining against Christian Missionary preaching and Islamic...

Establishing Sanatana Dharma through Knowledge

Learn about different Deva, divisions of Knowledge and Vedic Scriptures.

India protects Persecuted minorities from Islamic neighbors

Citizenship Amendment Bill - CAB (2019) passed by Indian Parliament is a far reaching bill that protects and empowers non-Muslim Minorities from Islamic countries...

Hindus under Seige? Love, Jihad, Rape and #LoveJihad

Love Jihad is a complex issue nowadays in India, Europe and also in many countries of the world, particularly Europe which has received large...

A Nation must have an Ideology

Ideology plays an important role in building the psychology of communities, nations and Governments. Ideology defines our character, our beliefs and our behavior. Ideology and...

Shankaracharya of Shardapeeth, Kashmir on Sanatana Dharma or Hinduism?

Shardapeeth is the original seat of Adi Shankaracharya. Sharda Peeth is in Kashmir and has guided Bharat Varsha for thousands of Years. Current Shardapeethadhish...

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