Hindu Americans need to Unite to protect their rights
Hindu Americans have contributed immensely to the growth of American Economy in all spheres of life.
Hindu Americans have brought Yoga, Vegetarianism and Ayurveda to...
Sattology: Learn more about Diwali from Ramayana
Return of Bhagawan Ram to Ayodhya was celebrated by each home in Ayodhya by burning Ghee lamps and fire crackers.
Every home distributed sweets to...
Asserting Dharmic Identity against Abrahamic onslaught
Being a Hindu, Buddhist and other allied dharmic faiths, has become difficult for many practitioners of Dharma.
Dharma is the connecting principle from all...
What is the meaning of Arabic word ‘Kafir’
If islam is one then it has to act now. The world is giving them a benefit of doubt by differentiating between educated, moderate...
A case for 40000 Temples
Hinduism, Jainism, Buddhism, Sikhism and many other innumerable faiths have dharmic viewpoint connected to ancient Vedic literatures.
Colonizers of India disrespected the indigenous cultures of...
Caste, a Racial slur against Hindus
Any western person will first ask a Bharatiya, so you have a caste system? That is the most Hindu-phobic and derogatory term used against...
Indians need to be told accurate medieval History of India
Real Medieval history of India needs to be told to every single Indian.
Muslims who are proud of that history must apologize to Hindus, Jains,...
Sattology: Hinduism promotes vegetarian diet
Today, a single ‘sophisticated’ slaughter house can slaughter up to 5000000 cows or sheep in a year. There are roughly 500 such large slaughter...
श्री ईशोपनिषद का अध्ययन करके विद्वान बनिए
मंत्र १५-१८ श्री ईशोपनिषद । भारतीय वेदों में सर्वोत्तम ज्ञान है
Left, Right or Dharma, Which wing are you on?
Generally, the left-wing is characterized by an emphasis on "ideas such as Liberty, equality, fraternity, rights, progress, reform and internationalism", while the right-wing is...
Benefits of observing Navratri
Navratri is a special occasion to celebrate the appearance of our divine mother Parvati, wife of Bhagavan Shiva.
All these nine different manifestations of Parvati...
6 Points that make Hinduism special
Hindu heritage sites are spread across the world as found during scientific archeological excavations.
Hinduism or Sanatana Dharma or Hindutva, refers to the same...