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The conflict started in 1528 when Babur in his zeal to humiliate the faith of Hindus not only destroyed an existing Ram temple on the birthplace of Bhagavan Ram but also constructed a mosque on top of it.

Muslims broke Kashi Vishwanath Mandir and also many Vrindavan temples to humiliate the faith of Hindus. Mosques were built on top of those temples to humiliate Hindus. Kabul was an ancient city of Hindus and Buddhists, in which all the temples were destroyed. In Pakistan, almost 29000 Hindu temples were destroyed since 1947, just to erase the hindu history from the soil of Pakistan. Even archeological sites in Pakistan were ignored until the UN stepped in. In Bangladesh more than 18000 Hindu temples were destroyed, to erase the Hindu history from their soil. What is this hatred? This hatred and deep mistrust stems from deep insecurity from Hindus or Kafirs taught in their religious books. The very fact that Hinduism has survived their attacks, shows the resilience of Hindus.

Even today, there are strong attempts by Archeological Survey of India (in collaboration with the Aga Khan trust), to erase the ancient history of Hindus across all sites of Hinduism in India. Ministry of Culture, led by Prashant Singh Patel is silent on this destruction of Hindu heritage in India. Usha Sharma, the Director General of ASI, is funding Aga Khan trust to destroy ancient Hindu heritage which seemed to be the original mandate of Alexander Cunningham.

After visiting Ayodhya, my heart goes to billions of Hindus. Hindus in their own country have to prove the validity of their faith. The patience, goodness and perseverance of Hindus is an example of how to maintain composure and decency even when their faith is challenged. In their own homeland, today, the mortal courts just heard the arguments in favor of the immortal Bhagawan Ram and also arguments by Muslims against Bhagwan Ram. Which of 57 Islamic countries will allow questioning of Allah by their court system?

The arguments for Ram and against Ram will hopefully open the eyes of billions of Hindus globally.

The Ayodhya as described by Maharishi Valmiki was one of the largest cities of its time, almost 96 miles by 24 miles. That is the account of Valmiki. There were huge palaces of Maharaja Dasharath, Bhagavan Ram, Bhagavan Bharat, Bhagavan Laxman, Bhagavan Shatrughn and many other palaces for queens. Bhagavan Ram is the object of faith, love, devotion and aspirations of all Hindus on the planet. The struggle between the faith of billions of Hindus and the opposition to that faith is what sums up the conflict in the courts.

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The justice has been denied to Hindus  for last 500 years of pain. Today, Bhagavan Ram is standing under a tent, whereas earlier He was living in opulent palaces. What can be more painful than that to billions of Hindus?

Post independence India saw successive Indian governments running India with the mindset of same old Islamic exploitators. The anglicized education system of India built by Max Mueller and Macaulay, also supported a narrative of British Christian evangelical colonial masters. No other country than India, neglects their culture and heritage to this extent.

All the places of religious importance to Hindus were particularly neglected so that Hindus are more humiliated and hurt.

The courts of India also worked against Hindus by delaying their decision or accentuating their indecision which is also akin to denying them justice. Today, a Hindu is looking at a court to validate their faith in their own land. This can’t get any more worse. Today, the courts are asking whether Ram existed? What about Brahma, who authorized Valmiki to write a historical account of Bhagavan Ram? Brahma also declared, that as long as there are hills on the planet, glories of Ram will be sung on this planet. That same Ramayan was sung by Ram’s sons luv and kush in front of Bhagavan Ram, and Ram approved himself those historical accounts. This is a matter of faith. This faith makes Hinduism strong.

Every place mentioned in Ramayana is existing until today. That is faith backed by archeological facts. Ram is no longer just a matter of faith, but also a reality.

It would have been so great that Muslims would have recognized their past and accepted this demand of Hindus with an open heart. They would have won the hearts of billions of Hindus. But instead, they wanted courts to decide on this matter, because they wanted to delay, frustrate and humiliate the faith of billions of Hindus. The opposition to Ram temple is no longer for  the control of land, but it is to the Hinduism itself. If this temple is allowed, then it will be a beginning of resurgence of Hinduism globally. Also, the dream of Ghazwa e Hind will be quashed forever. That’s the real insecurity.

The very fact that the Muslims contested the divinity and faith of Hindus has exposed malafic intentions of their faith leaders against Hinduism in public view.

Given the certainty of Hindu resolve to construct the Ram Temple on that exact site, it would have been more prudent on their part to cooperate and join with Hindus for Ram. But they chose to contest. I hope and pray that this Muslim-Hindu divide won’t be difficult to overcome. It would have been better if Muslims could have shown a larger heart since they have Islamic governments in 57 countries and Hindus have none, to respect the sensitivity of all 1.2 billion Hindus on the planet. Now, the questions are increasing on remaining 100000 temples that were destroyed by Muslim invaders in South Asia.


The Supreme Court hearing on Ram Janmabhoomi questioned

  • Whether the faith of Hindus in Ram has been consistent through the centuries
  • Historical accounts of foreigners visiting Ayodhya
  • Whether Ram was a worshipped deity
  • Difference between deity and idol
  • Whether Ram was God Himself


The Supreme Court rejected the historical accounts of Valmiki, the original author on Ram’s divinity.

There should be a session on Valmiki Ramayan for all committee members who are trying to decide the divinity of Ram. It hurts Hindus’ faith and beliefs, because today Ram is on trial. Why not a similar trial done to check the divinity of Islamic and Christian faiths? The broad mindedness shown by 1.2 billion Hindus on this trial itself is a testimony to the fact that Ram will come out victorious. But do we as a community have a right to put Ram on trial? That is already answered in Bhagavad Gita, wherein Narayan replies to Arjun, ‘Many many incarnations both you and I have passed, but the difference between you and Me is, I can remember all of those avatars but you cannot’. Is Ram testing the faith of Hindus?

The neglect shown by successive governments since 1947 towards Ayodhya looks completely vicious. It looks as if Secularism was used against Hindus to deny them access to their faith. With BJP, access from Lucknow to Ayodhya has been improved but a lot needs to be done to respect the faith of Hindus. Sanitation, River cleanliness and good roads have a lot of scope of improvement. The entire town needs the attention of State and Hindu community to respect Hindu culture and heritage.

To summarize, we as mortals have no right to test the faith of Hindus. If we do, then we have to test everyone else’s too. Hindus need to wake up and take initiatives both private and public, to give Ayodhya a proper attention that it deserves. Dr Subramanian Swamy has already declared Nov 2019, as the start of construction of the temple. If this happens, this will also be a beginning of assertion of Hindu Civil Rights by the global Hindu community. Jai Shri Ram !

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