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The position of Dharma or righteousness is very much shaken because of multiple geopolitical events happening in tandem today. In these times, Bhagavad Gita comes to rescue us from the unwanted anxiety. Why must everyone follow the Bhagavad Gita today? After seeing the two armies assembled together, Arjun was overcome with emotions for his family members who had assembled there to fight with him. Oftentimes the worst opposition that we face is from our loved ones. Arjun was surprised to see his relatives assembled there to fight with him. The emotional pain is usually much higher than the physical pain. Arjun’s heart was tearing apart with emotions. In this emotional state, Arjun decides not to fight. Arjun’s decision to not fight actually gladdened the hearts of his opponents because Arjun’s withdrawal from the battlefield would have meant a sure shot victory. Arjun’s opponents were fighting to protect the land & resources which they had stolen from Arjun’s family through duplicity. Arjun’s predicament was music to their ears. Isn’t this happening in the world today? It is Arjun’s predicament and his opponent’s covetousness, makes Bhagavad Gita relevant today. Arjun’s opponent was trying to keep the stolen land, wealth, resources and women with him because he assumed that he owned those. Arjun’s opponent never even cared for such possessions because they were never his in the first place. It was a good gamble on his part. If Arjun would have left the battlefield then that would have automatically legitimized his opponent’s control over the stolen land, wealth, resources and women.

What is the effect of ill gotten wealth? Ill gotten wealth often results in severe human suffering for the underprivileged sections of the society. It has happened over & over in every part of the world and also in history.

Arjun was worried about his opponents as well as their families because he knew his power in warfare. Arjun also knew that his opponents were determined to kill him at any cost because he was the biggest hindrance in their path. Arjun was thinking poorly of himself for even defending himself. His emotions had taken over his intellectual & logical mindset. Arjun was confident of winning the war but was delusioned by his own temporary emotions. Temporary Emotions usually cloud logical thinking and it is during these times people make bad decisions which have long term repercussions. During these times a person thinks in terms of benefit or loss. Arjun was also evaluating his own intentions. Arjun was thinking what will he gain by killing his opponents knowing well what would his opponents gain by killing him. He knew the greed and covetousness of his opponents. He had experienced first hand the humiliation served upon him by his opponents. Despite experiencing humiliation, he became perplexed by his emotions when the time came to bring permanent peace to his people. Arjun knew that if he killed his opponents, their families would also be destroyed and their children would lose all of their family traditions. He also knew that when the fathers are killed, the women become less protected and virtually exposed to exploitation by cowards. This would apply to him also if he would have lost the war. But why did his opponents never think like this?

They had made their intentions clear in the very beginning. Arjun was also aware of their intentions very well. But then why would Arjun care about his opponents?

Because Arjun was compassionate and was trying to establish dharma or rule of law as per Vedas. Arjun knew very well that it was his responsibility to establish dharma because that would ensure long term security for everyone in his state. He knew the importance of vedic rituals of oblations to ancestors without which the society would become ungrateful. Arjun was also very aware that when the traditions of the family & community are lost then society actually loses. Arjun was thinking about women, children, family and also the larger cause of the future of the society. Arjun also knew that the war was being imposed upon him and it was his prerogative to save the society from the perils of misrule. But because of false emotions, his intelligence had become temporarily clouded. How would he react now? What would he do? Most people today are confused because of a similar emotional delusional state. The modern left system also reinforces such confused thinking so that they can continue usurping the lands, resources and wealth of the rightful owners. Doesn’t a similar motive prevail in all the current conflicts around the world? Arjun was rejecting worldly pleasure, power, prestige, personal reputation and also opportunities for personal gratification for the larger cause of peace. But would his opponents stop if he didn’t fight the war? These situations are present today in front of everyone including the political leadership of the world. Who is going to be an Arjun today and who will be his opponent? Who is thinking like Arjun today and who is thinking like Arjun’s opponent? If we think like Arjun then we should be willing to give up everything for the sake of our Vedic principles. How many leaders are willing to do that today? Bhagavad Gita spoken by Bhagavan Krishna removed the cloudy confused thinking of Arjuna and helped him to attain peace through war to defeat the purpose of his opponents.

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The world is binary which means Dharmic and Adharmic. Arjun is Dharmic and his opponents are Adharmic. This war will continue forever because it is a chance for moksha for the Dharmic. Which side will you choose?

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Aditya Satsangi is an American author (Non-Fiction) of several widely acclaimed books on Amazon - Search 'Sattology' on Amazon | A Spiritualist, Political Commentator and Passionate Hindu / Vedic Historian | He is also an avid Golfer. YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/sattology | Facebook: facebook.com/sattology ; facebook.com/SattologyAuthor | Telegram: https://t.me/SattologyCourse