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Hinduism, Jainism, Buddhism, Sikhism and many other innumerable faiths have dharmic viewpoint connected to ancient Vedic literatures.

Colonizers of India disrespected the indigenous cultures of india to humiliate them. Hindus demand all 40000 disputed sites in India to be returned to protect and redeem their faith. As Muslim parties now agree for mediation after throwing so much dirt on Hindus over last 30 years, they also want to retain control over 40000 other properties that were illegally converted from temples into mosques by Islamic looters. They are seeking a settlement that requires implementation of the 1991 law that lays down status quo for all places of worship at the time of independence. Muslim groups are now stupidly thinking that Hindus will forget all the humilaiation that Muslims threw at them. They cannot throw muck at Hindus and demand status quo to retain rights for all those temples.  The litigation of Ram temple has educated all dharmic Hindus about the colonizer mindset of Muslims. Muslim wakf board humilitated Hindus over Ram temple and when Hindus demand all 40000 temples to be returned from their control, they want settlement with Hindus and Buddhists.

It is a common saying in India, never fight with Bhagawan Ram because His arrow never goes in vain.

Muslim community failed to realize the unity of Indians over Bhagawan Ram. When Bhagawan Ram wants to teach a lesson , He can take away everything from a mortal man. When Bhagawan Ram takes revenge, even Parahuram has to surrender. So, when Muslim parties were ruling india in the name of Secularism, then Muslims made fun of Hindus and also humiliated them over Ram Mandir in Ayodhya. When 89% of dharmic Indians took control of the government, and Supreme Court also started focusing on truth and Justice, Muslims are looking for settlement. This settlement is not acceptable to Hindus because it is another ploy by Muslims to hurt the religious sentiments of Hindus.

Islamic invaders destroyed 40000 temples in India and to humiliate the natives of India they constructed their mosques on top of those temples with pieces from Old temple structure.

Qutub Minar is a classic example of Islamic Looters mindset. Medieval Islamic history of India is filled with barbarism from Islamic invaders. That history must be deleted from Indian textbooks and also those monuments must be raised to ground because that speaks of humiliation of natives of India.

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Indian culture is dharmic which is in stark contrast to abrahamic faiths of the Middle East. Indians have tolerated their humiliation for centuries but now no more.

Aga Khan Trust must not be allowed to function in India because it works only to preserve Mughal history which is the history of invaders. Mughal history should not be glorified at all in India because of its inherent hatred of Hindus or Kafirs. It is the right of all Hindus to reclaim all those temples and historical sites of Hindus not just in India but in neighboring Pakistan, Bangladesh and Afghanistan.

Secularism has been particularly used against Hindus in India by Islamic parties.

The biggest victims of Secularism are Hindus. In the name of secularism the identity and history of Hindus was destroyed so that future generations of Hindus don’t know anything about their real heritage and culture. Today Hindu kids are taught histories of mass Murderers and radical Islamic terrorists like Akbar, Timur, Aurangzeb, Shahjahan and many more. The glories and character of defenders of India is not taught. Secularism is a mythology that needs to be rejected by all Indians.


To summarize, Hindus demand the following

  • All 40000 temples destroyed by Islamic invaders must be restored back to their original Hindu or Buddhist form
  • Histories of all Islamic looters and invaders must be removed from textbooks
  • Real character and actions of those Islamic invaders must be published
  • ASI must be directed to stop glorifying invaders tombs

Hindus and Buddhists are very aware of the history of their native land. More action and organization by them will affect elections in future. The caliphate dreamers may have to bite the dust again just like Aurangzeb and their ilk. Jai Shri Ram

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