There is a general misconception regarding preaching in the Hindu community. Often times we hear Hindu communities complaining against Christian Missionary preaching and Islamic preaching activities in India, US, UK and rest of the world. India has the largest documented constitution in the world. The law in most countries except Islamic countries supports freedom to express, practice and preach one’s faith to everyone.
Democratic countries must practice a law of reciprocity to immigrants from all countries where freedom to practice religion is obstructed by their constitution.
Indian Constitution has the following articles on Right to Freedom of Religion (Articles 25-28):
Article 25 deals with freedom of conscience and free profession, practice, and propagation of religion.
Article 26 deals with freedom to manage religious affairs.
Article 27 deals with freedom as to payment of taxes for promotion of any particular religion.
Article 28 deals with freedom as to attendance at religious instructions or religious worship in certain educational institutions.
The United States Constitution addresses the issue of religion in two places: in the First Amendment, and the Article VI prohibition on religious tests as a condition for holding public office.
The First Amendment prohibits the Congress from making a law “respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof”.
This provision was later expanded to state and local governments, through the Incorporation of the first Amendment. These laws give freedom to all citizens in the country. Hindus, Christians, Jews and Muslims extensively use this freedom to practice their religion. Except that Hindus don’t actively preach their faith to all. They preach only to their community.
Hinduism is extremely popular worldwide because of the popularity of its principal book known as Bhagavad Gita.
However, Hinduism is still not considered as a religion by Islam, Christianity and Judaism because of the core differences in philosophy. However, almost 90m Americans are connected to Hinduism directly or indirectly.
The inherent beauty of Hinduism is attracting everyone on the basis of culture and philosophy.
Hinduism is a popular religion in Australia, Lithuania, Brazil, Hungary and many other parts of the world. Many ex-Muslims are also eagerly accepting the Hinduism faith willingly. However, in India, Pakistan and Bangladesh, Hinduism is in great danger due to ideological and violent campaigns by Mosques and Christian / Catholic churches. The danger in Pakistan and Bangladesh partly comes from Islamic State itself and partly from mosques.
That’s why Indian government recently created a law to protect Hindus from state sponsored religious persecution in those two countries.
In India the communists and leftists have consistently derided Hinduism openly in open media. Hindus are threatened with violence in Kerala, Kashmir and West Bengal by state sponsored discrimination against them. All citizens of India are protected and promoted to preach their faith in those states of India as per Constitution of India. Muslim children are regularly taught to hate Hindus in Pakistani state textbooks.
Wahhabism is openly taught in Indian mosques. That’s a real problem for Indian law enforcement because a large group of radicalized youth are being produced who hate Hindus. Kafirphobia is taught to students in Madrasas.
Hindu youth should reach out to Muslim youth to educate them about the misinformation through proper channels.
Hindu community often relies on official law enforcement agencies for personal protection. But by the time police respond to their calls for help, it’s often too late.
They often ignore the fact that weapons in the hands of good people result in bravery, while weapons in the hands of criminals result in cruelty. Another misconception in Hindu community is that Hinduism doesn’t allow conversion. So all other communities claim their followers from Hindu community and Hindus often just complain. The solution for the first problem is that Hindu community must train all their youth in self defense of their family and friends through weapons and other techniques so that they can protect their families from radicalized criminals. Love Jihad is a major problem in India where Muslim boys are encouraged to get trophy brides from Hindu community. Kerala is the most affected state with this menace.
The solution to this menace to encourage Hindu youth to marry eligible Muslim young women. That will increase cohesiveness, trust and equality.
Hindus’ most sacred book Bhagavad Gita actively allows them to welcome people from other faiths, to their faith.
The complexity arises due to allocation of Varna of newly converted people. That is easily resolved by allocating a Varna based on occupation, education and qualities. This is a time for creating a community of Hindu Youth preachers who actively propagate the beauty of Hindu faith through logic, reasoning and philosophical persuasion. Hindus cannot just look at their people getting converted and complain when they are proselytized by preachers of other faiths.
This is the time to take up Hindu Youth preaching missions that actively engage in Hindu Ministries for the purpose of propagation.
The process of welcoming non-Hindus to accept Hinduism is a simple one.
- Welcome everyone to take Harinam
- Bhagavad Gita 68, 69, 70, 71 encourages Hindus to welcome new followers through persuasion
- Changing the name of new followers as per Vedic texts. Giving them a new Hindu identity
- Giving them a Varna वर्ण as per their occupation
- Hindu families must also encourage their youth to marry women from non-Hindu communities to save their population from decreasing
Vedic scriptures are timeless and sattology. Hinduism is a colloquial name for Sanatana Dharma.
Hindus should encourage their youth to study authentic histories such as Mahabharat, Ramayana and Bhagavad Gita. Every page of Mahabharat and Ramayan are sattology. This will create a very strong Hindu future generation. If each Hindu promotes their faith through active canvassing, there will be an increase in the population of Hindu communities, Hindu youth will be more positively engaged and it will also encourage Hindu youth to take a deeper dive in their scriptures. Leftist, communist and Islamist propaganda against Hindus has reached its peak. It’s time for Hindu communities to protect themselves from all types of aggression, whether it is ideological or physical. Then they will gain the respect of non-Hindu communities in India, Pakistan and Bangladesh. Peace always comes from strength.
Peace can never be negotiated or begged in charity. When Hindu community becomes assertive, everyone else will respect them. That will bring peace and self confidence within Hindu community.
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Disclaimer: All views are personal to the author