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Love Jihad is a complex issue nowadays in India, Europe and also in many countries of the world, particularly Europe which has received large refugee population from Islamic countries.

The term love jihad has been used in Indian media extensively.

Usually it means a campaign by some Mosques who encourage their youth patrons to trap non-Muslim girls into fake love to convert them into Muslim. It is often difficult to prove these cases in courts because of inability of prosecutors to prove conspiracy behind love.

Young girls are usually prone to be misled because of politically correct narratives and secular propaganda imposed on Hindus.

Once married these young girls are forced to adopt an Islamic name. They are also made pregnant quickly to produce children. After that these girls are completely trapped. Prevention of these incidents is the only way to proactively counter this menace. First, we all have to accept that this menace exists and then educate target communities about it. Every non-muslim community is a target.

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To rescue these girls is a very daunting task.

If one does a google search then you will find that only Muslim version on love Jihad comes up. It seems that Islamic groups have convinced Google to support their cause. In thousands of cases that are reported, Muslim boys change their names to Hindu to lure the Hindu girls and then trap them in their fake love scheme. This has been reported in most cases by rescued girls and their parents.

Bollywood plays an important supporting role in Love Jihad in that many Hindu girls are married to Muslim actors. This plays into the psyche of many gullible Hindu young girls. Social Media, Vested Islamic Jihad groups, left wing media and Mosques work in tandem to promote and defend these campaigns. Indian authorities have to conduct an investigation to prove this nexus. This is beyond the purview of ordinary citizens.

Almost 10000 cases of love jihad have been reported all across India. Some of them have been rejected by secular courts but many remain contentious. The suspicion of Hindus on Muslims goes back almost 500 years when the first Islamic attacks on Hindus happened in Kabul. Babur at that time ordered almost 50000 Hindu women captured and sold in the slave markets of Syria and Baghdad. Akbar maintained almost 5000 Hindu women as captive in his Harems. Almost every Islamic invader used rape as a weapon of humiliation against Hindus. Most Muslims of Pakistan and other forcibly converted nations such as Persia today share that humiliation along with Hindus.

Almost 500000 Kashmiri Hindus were forced out of Kashmir Valley under threat of rapes and love jihad. None of the Muslim politician and Muslim police of Kashmir valley supported them. Same fate was met to Yezidis in Iraq by Isis. Still 4000 Yezidi women are held captive by ISIS. Rapes and Love Jihad are the tools of war against Kafirs or non-Muslims.

Yezidi, Myanmar, Thailand and Nepal have also seen love Jihad and Rapes as a tool of conversion. The problem may soon go out of control of authorities if the organizers and perpetrators of such acts are not punished. The problem in Islamic societies such as Palestine are even worse. The rapes are a common phenomenon in Palestine which is well documented by the UN. Most of the times rapes are justified by Islamic scholars and even sometimes women. Women exploitation on religious grounds is rampant within Palestinian Territories. But worst is reserved for non Muslim women there. Many questions arise. Why Muslim youth are encouraged to target Hindu women? Are Hindu women considered trophy in Muslim families? Why Hindu women are forced to adopt Muslim names after marriage? Is there a campaign by Mosques to target Hindu women using falsity? Is it some form of international jihad to increase Muslim population in India? Are organized rapes by Muslim youth against Hindu women a campaign promoted to expand their religion?

Are Hindu families under siege by the global Islamic jihad against Kafirs?

According to Hinduism, any attacker to one’s family can be punished without repercussions of bad karma. It is the duty of Hindu families and community to defend themselves from love jihad and Islamic rapes. Delays in Law enforcement may encourage Islamic gangs to continue this menace. It’s high time for Hindu Kshatriya to rise to defend their women from aggression.

If Hindus follow the teachings of Bhagavad Gita, they will be able to protect themselves ideologically.

“That action performed in illusion, in disregard of scriptural injunctions, and without concern for future bondage or for violence or distress caused to others is said to be in the mode of ignorance.” Bhagavad Gita 18.25

“Heroism, power, determination, resourcefulness, courage in battle, generosity and leadership are the natural qualities of work for the kṣatriyas.”Bhagavad Gita 18.43

Disclaimer: The views expressed are personal to the author and are meant for education for Hindu community.

Hari Om!

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Aditya Satsangi is an American author (Non-Fiction) of several widely acclaimed books on Amazon - Search 'Sattology' on Amazon | A Spiritualist, Political Commentator and Passionate Hindu / Vedic Historian | He is also an avid Golfer. YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/sattology | Facebook: facebook.com/sattology ; facebook.com/SattologyAuthor | Telegram: https://t.me/SattologyCourse