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Navratri is a special occasion to celebrate the appearance of our divine mother Parvati, wife of Bhagavan Shiva.

All these nine different manifestations of Parvati are real and worshipping them on each day gives the worshipper lots of strength in becoming victorious in their lives.

Mata Shailaputri: A sincere worship of Mata Bestows wealth, abundance and peace.


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Mata Brahmcharini: bestows Strength for Tapasya, Firm Determination and maintaining good Values in life.



Mata Chandraghanta: bestows peace and prosperity in life. Worship her with Harinam.



Mata Kushmanda: bestows clarity in mind. Worship her to help you get clarity.



Mata Skandamata: bestows blessings for powerful progeny.



Mata Katyayani: bestows Bhakti for any Isht deva. Worship her to gain favor of Vishnu. Gopi worshipped her to get Krishna as their husband.


Mata Kalaratri: bestows one the power to destroy enemies. Worshipping her gives you victory over the biggest fear in life.


Mata Mahagauri: removes all sins of the worshipper.



Mata Siddhidatri: bestows one mystical powers. Worship her to overcome your biggest problems.


Worshipping the above forms of Parvati gives the worshipper unlimited powers to manage their life very very peacefully.

Happy Navratri to all believers or Sattologists.

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