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The Sanskrit word ‘daan – दान’ doesn’t mean sacrifice. The word sacrifice is a mistranslation of the Sanskrit word daan. The Sanskrit word ‘Yagya – यज्ञ’ also doesn’t mean sacrifice. There is no direct translation of the words ‘daan – दान’ and ‘Yagya – यज्ञ’ in the English language. These words are so important for human society. Charity is not ‘daan – दान’. Charity literally means ‘Christian love’. The word charity is only connected to Christianism. However, the humanity which believes in universal spiritual values has no word other than sanskrit words Yagya and Daan. The connotations of Christian English words have destroyed the pride of many thoughtful people. Yagya is for humanity. When Bhagavan Vishnu created this world, he also created Yagya to be performed by all humans. In every part of the world Yagya exists, but known by different names. Yagya is intrinsically connected with Yoga. Yoga connects Atma  to Paramatma. Whenever the human society forgets Yagya, the destruction of spiritual values of humans begins.

Yagya connects a human with Devata. Through Yagya, humanity connects with Devata. Through that connection comes prosperity for all.

Every Yagya is of three types. Yagya in Sattva Guna. Yagya in Rajo Guna. Yagya in Tamo Guna. Sattva means Goodness. Rajo means Passion. Tamo means darkness. Gunas are the three modes of Prakriti. Prakriti works under Vishnu and is activated by the movements of the Sun and Moon. That’s why sandhya vandana is important. Vandana means worship. Sandhya means the intersectional points in a day. Sandhya times differ in different parts of earth. All Yagyas are successful if done as per Veda and also daan in the end. Without daan, no Yagya is successful. The wealth is distributed after every Yagya. The social inequalities of the world are due to the lack of Yagya. Only the Yagya in the Sattva Guna benefits the performer, sponsors as well as humanity.

The Yagya in the Sattva Guna brings prosperity and goodwill to everyone. The Yagya in Rajo Guna brings only pride to the performer. The Yagya in Tamo Guna brings destruction to humanity.

Yagya in Sattva Guna are done in accordance to Veda, and without any desire for any type of gain. Yagya in Rajo Guna are performed for material gains. Yagya in Tamo Guna are performed with complete disregard to Veda and for ulterior motives. Most of the Yagyas were destroyed by organized Christian churches in the colonized lands. They were replaced by Catholicism rituals in most conquered territories. Catholicism was used by Romans to control people through their institution. Roman emperors were called Popes initially. Yagyas were destroyed because the Roman church controlled governments wanted revenues and power for themselves. Yagyas can be restarted if the instructions of Puranas are followed. In today’s times, names of Hari, Vishnu, Krishna, Ram and Shiva are themselves Yagya. The nature of Yagya changes with time.

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Yagya is also dharma. Dharma means duties. Yagya is dharma for everyone.

Check the following links to get my books.

The Original Atlas: A Seeker’s guide to Spirituality (sattology) https://a.co/d/h7gvcWa

Pandavas, The Famous Five: Sattology of Mahabharat


Samrat Yudhishthir: The Greatest Emperor (Sattology Book 3)


One Arrow, One Kill: Jai Shri Ram (Sattology Book 7)


Gold, Glory & God: A Curse on the Natives (Sattology Book 8) https://a.co/d/7nJeF9H

Karma: How to tame it? (sattology) https://a.co/d/csTUtnM

The Hindu Bible: Sattology https://a.co/d/6zHq7t3

Transcending the Mind: Yog Sutra As It Is (Sattology) https://a.co/d/60qDV2v

The Gita: Sattology https://a.co/d/diaV84O

Debunking Mythology: Sattology https://a.co/d/aYTSION

The Making of a Statesman: by Narada Muni, the Guru of all Statesmen (Sattology Book 2) https://a.co/d/iHyF7Pe

Pandavas, The Famous Five: Sattology of Mahabharat


Samrat Yudhishthir: The Greatest Emperor (Sattology Book 3)


One Arrow, One Kill: Jai Shri Ram (Sattology Book 7)


The Eternal Love: Nala & Damayanti (sattology): https://a.co/d/9MuHp9H

Soul of Business: The Story of a Corporate Monk: https://a.co/d/8C6ZhBN

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Aditya Satsangi is an American author (Non-Fiction) of several widely acclaimed books on Amazon - Search 'Sattology' on Amazon | A Spiritualist, Political Commentator and Passionate Hindu / Vedic Historian | He is also an avid Golfer. YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/sattology | Facebook: facebook.com/sattology ; facebook.com/SattologyAuthor | Telegram: https://t.me/SattologyCourse