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Hindu heritage sites are spread across the world as found during scientific archeological excavations.

Hinduism or Sanatana Dharma or Hindutva, refers to the same oldest religious traditions continuing since the beginning of creation. Hinduism or Hindutva is the same thing. The vedic scriptures are the basis of Hinduism.

Those Vedic scriptures have stood the test of scientific rigor & questioning, and that has helped hindus and others to start strongly believing in Hinduism again. Now, it is gradually becoming the first choice of Intelligent people from all faiths to rekindle their spirituality. Ex Muslims, Ex Christians, Ex Jews and even non denominational faiths are gradually discovering Hinduism as their original spiritual path.

The world’s spiritual movements have found their connections to Hinduism naturally.

6 Points that make Hinduism special and more complete than any other faith on the planet

  1. The traditions in Hinduism respect ‘Mother Nature’ as respectable as an actual ‘Mother’. That makes Hinduism as the most environmentally friendly religion.

  2. It includes all three broad goals of Spirituality – All Pervading Energy (Brahman), Localized Supreme Energy in the Heart (Parmatma), and the Supreme Personality of Godhead (Bhagawan).

  3. It encourages scientific and philosophical questioning by an inquisitive mind. Every question and doubt is answered. It is the only faith, that has never discriminated against anyone.

  4. The rituals in Hinduism accentuate one’s spirituality. Rituals in Hinduism have a deep scientific basis. They are not dogmas.

  5. Hinduism is the world’s best documented religion. Hinduism is based on Vedic Scriptures. The philosophical teachings in all other religions or Universities derive something from Vedic scriptures.

  6. Belief in Karma or Actions makes the followers of Hinduism self-responsible. They need not be told what is right or wrong. The philosophy of Karma holds them responsible to Truth and Justice, two principal hallmarks. This principle makes Hinduism most humane to all living beings on the planet.


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Throughout the world, it has been widely accepted that Hinduism is the oldest living religion on the planet. In fact, if the historicity of Hinduism is taken into account, then it can be very easily summarized that all the followers of other faiths on the planet have come from Hinduism. All converts, all Philosophies, and all scientific discovery had their origins in Hinduism.

Hinduism is also the most hated faith by the followers of Islamic, Christian and Judaism traditions because not only it has everything that those faith systems have but also what they don’t. Therefore, those followers try to demonize Hinduism under various pretexts.

The beauty of Hinduism and its followers has been that they have never criticized others nor being defensive due to ignorant blasphemous attacks against them.

Hinduism is now widely regarded as the only peaceful religion on the planet.

The History of Hinduism is the history of Humanity itself. Most of the dates ascribed to the founding of Hinduism on Wikipedia and other media sources have been incorrect and put out of jealousy by custodians of other faiths whose history have an official start date. Hinduism predates any human history and is directly ordained by the original creator.

Hinduism, empowers a human being to explore his origins in the most modern and scientific way. Become a Hindu today.

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Aditya Satsangi is an American author (Non-Fiction) of several widely acclaimed books on Amazon - Search 'Sattology' on Amazon | A Spiritualist, Political Commentator and Passionate Hindu / Vedic Historian | He is also an avid Golfer. YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/sattology | Facebook: facebook.com/sattology ; facebook.com/SattologyAuthor | Telegram: https://t.me/SattologyCourse